The online racing simulator
Real tracks in LFS (hold your fire!!)
If I told you I could get permission to recreate, fully, 2 or maybe 3 real life racetracks in LFS - could someone in Development drop me a line if they're interested?
You're more likely to get a response from the developers via the following link (, rather than the forums, I'm afraid. I'd suggest approaching them directly with additional details, rather than the other way around.
Thanks for that - couldn't find a link like that when I looked.... I'll drop them a line just now.
#4 - Chaos
2 years ago I negotiated that the devs could make the race track in Most(i used to work there) for free, but it did not happen... they said later and that the first real life track will probably be some track near their homes... by now, they made the track for rF and I guess the management of the racetrack will be no longer interrested in another game...
just out of curious TangoUniform92.
which tracks are you talking about??
#6 - aoun
It wont happen. You think they haven't created RL tracks? There is obviously a reason why they have decided not to release any. Maybe they felt it is not a good feature to have and only they would know that. Try anyway, receive a yes and your most likely going to be a legend! lol!
Or maybe, if they created a real life track, that say is in the F1 calander, silerstone, and people were faster than the quickest qulifying time in the real F1 what would that say? Either LFS drivers are faster than F1 drivers, i don't think so, it would only mean that either the F1 car in LFS is unrealistic ot that the track isn't realistic.

BTW if it is that, then i see why the devs haven't put any tracks into the game, it's not worth the hassle.
If we have real tracks, the forums will just fill up with people bitching that x corner isn't right and y straight isn't the right camber and z run off area has 4 blades of grass in the wrong place.
Please, Let it be the NS!
I like how all the cynicism in this thread manages to totally and utterly ignore the massive amount of time that needs to be invested by a three man team to get a real-life track to be accurate. Do you really think Eric has spent such an inordinate amount of time developing such a track, and then deliberately not released it to us? It seems a little unlikely to me that such a small team could possibly be using so many man-hours on something they never plan to make available. What, exactly, would be the point of that?

It's quite possible that an LFS driver, who can practice for free for hours every day and drive with very little fatigue, no G-forces and no danger, could outpace an FIA F1 driver using the real-life equivilant the same car on the same track. I would even go so far as to say I'd be very surprised if there's no racers in this community that could be well into the F1 grid times using the simulator.

#11 - aoun
Sam, i didn't mean make the track and DELIBERATELY not release it. They would make a track, not think its good or they did a poor job and didn't release it. They have worked with cars and not released them before, so as if they wouldn't do it for tracks too.
Well, I took from your post that you were saying the developers would just dive into the task of fully reproducing an entire real-life track, and then decide it was rubbish, without consulting the community for opinions on even the idea of doing such a thing. I didn't reckon that was quite accurate. Sorry for being a little blunt there, I seem to have been in a "sick-of-people-rubbishing-the-devs" mood!

Since rFactor's just recieved it's first laser scanned track, apparently done by one guy in his spare time with his own money (he had help with some art assets) it might mean that the same approach could be used by the LFS devs at some point. It would cut out a lot of the work of actually modelling a track with any degree of accuracy... just being able to get the basic topology and gradients right would satisfy most people I think.

If viable, imo S3 should simply strive for scanned tracks. They wouldn't have to be ultra famous or anything (but a few drawcard tracks would help sales immeasurably). That would cut down time and assist with getting a fair bit of new content into LFS, and would also do a lot to shift people's perceptions that LFS only deals with fantasy content.