Who says that there isn't anything in the books now to be able to get real content into LFS? You have to get one foot in front of the other before you can run, personally I wouldn't, and don't want 'real' content until I am happy with the underlying groundwork, the physics. The 'real' part of it is only eyecandy...
I agree Sam, that for me also goes back to a conflict of interest in managing the servers and removing the unqualified drivers. They are starting this from the ground up to generate revenue, not to help a community or build on a community, if they did they would have seen that charging an arm and a leg just won't cut it. Their primary concern is the figures in the bank at the end of the day and banning people for anything other than blatent wrecking would ruin their figures. One could argue that upholding the rules diligently will spread the message they mean business which to me is what they are relying on to be able to generate the numbers, but they are going to have to have one hell of a marketing campaign in the terms of prizes for events and the like to be able to get any decent numbers in IMO.
Again this is all speculation, I would rather stick to LFS than waste $300 the first year to play something, when I could generate the same level of professionalism here in LFS, with one cracken' community that is, what, 7 years old now? LFS dev team has never been about to fleece us or to take anything more than what is required, they have coddled us until we stood up on our feet by ourselves and watched us walk =) He has let most everything grow organically, letting everything happen in due course. Not shove a set of rules at people from the getgo, say here you MUST follow this or you can't play with ANY of the content online. And ohh by the way instead of paying $50 in a one time fee, you must now pay 6x that to be able to play for one year.
I also agree that LFS has been left on it's own and the sim racing community as a whole doesn't really know of what LFS is capable of, other than it has little to no real content and is still Alpha, so they don't see a finished product they can put their money on. I wonder if we could see how many times RF/GTR/ect. ect. crash on people... bah thats getting off topic even more. 33 pages and rolling =) I see LFS as my 'professional' sim, some of the stuff just isn't created yet