The online racing simulator
Quote from Fordman :I know I have already posted, but just had a thought. New options in S2 will be Baby on Board Sticker in Rear window, and then you look back in cockpit view, you will see a baby seat

Funny you should say that, i just changed my av.. :P
Heh, and now you'll have a completely new reason for sleepless nights.

I see this as more excuses for a further "delayed" S2 release.
Another insider with access to updates as soon as they're coded.
Finally a photo of Gerladine too.

Congrats man, hope he makes many happy memories for you.

(actually in a way this is kinda weird, posting baby photos to (mostly) random strangers in a racing forum, letting people into your private life like that)

... and why hasn't Vykos posted "off topic!" yet?
(HittiS) DELETED by HittiS
Grats scawen.. sure kept that quiet :P
best Progress Report ever

congratulations :leb:
Quote from franky500 :Grats scawen.. sure kept that quiet :P

There is a funny comment there, but i won;t go there. Looney or Kid will think it also, but best left alone

PS @ Looney OT - Love your Location Location Location ROFL
Congrats Scawen and Geraldine
Congrats from Austria
"keep it up"
#85 - shim
grats Scawen and Geraldine.. may the future for Leo to propser

btw Greboth, ill take up on the bet for Leo to be racing first.. :P
Congratulations, kids make the life worth living!!
#87 - troy
congratulations from switzerland now lfs developing is guaranted til 2090 ^^
He looks just like him! its uncanny, even the messy hair :P.


This is a blessing for both of you for the rest of your lives
Best wishes to little Leo, mommy and daddy.
#90 - vtx
Wow everyone is into getting babies around here and now even Geraldine and Scawen got one

Congrats and good luck with getting some sleep
Congrats Scawen!!
Felicidades!!! (in spanish)
Quote from Bob Smith :(actually in a way this is kinda weird, posting baby photos to (mostly) random strangers in a racing forum, letting people into your private life like that)

yes it is ... but it certainly shows that the lfs community is a very unusual and special place in the vast untaimed wilderness that is the internet
Nice one Scawen, He's already wanting to go for a spin
Attached images
Congratulations And you thought LFS was a big project now comes the next 20 years of Leo's development

So that's why the UF1000 was added to LFS
It was for a training car for your son
Hmn a good color combination for Leo's LFS name would be a white capital "L" and dark blue "eo" hang on a minute... think I've seen a chap like that knocking about somewhere he must be fast on the take-up! definately from Scawen's gene pool

P.s. Just how many cats do you guys have
New Member of Development Team!

Shouldn't the thread better be called:

New Team-Member developed!

Anyway congratulations to you and your family
Congrats! In about three years you'll be able to sleep again, at a time you want to
Congrats Scawen and Geraldine - he looks very cute and peaceful. Best of luck for the three of you.
nice Progress Report

This thread is closed

New Member of Development Team! :)
(299 posts, closed, started )