The online racing simulator
PC Zone ignore us!
(95 posts, closed, started )
#51 - Gunn
Quote from Racer Y :
See if they'd pimp out their stuff like give freebee licenses to these "profesional writers", then you'd see waaay better reviews.

The problem is that obviously any fool with half a vocabulary can call himself a "writer".
Quote from Gunn :The problem is that obviously any fool with half a vocabulary can call himself a "writer".

LOL you're 100% right!
... the sad thing is, this guy managed to convince Lord knows how many ppl
the exact same thing
Quote from Gunn :The problem is that obviously any fool with half a vocabulary can call himself a "writer".

Well yeah, but giving licenses to actual print publications is a good idea. However, print publications (with the obvious exception of PC Zone) do not review alpha code, and typically will only agree to review a game once its gone gold.
So obviously Scawen wasnt about to start sending out alpha software to print mags. I expect that when S2 'goes gold' so to speak, ie the first non-alpha/beta release comes out, then would be the time for the devs to start giving the media review licenses.
Im with colcob. Wait it out, then once this game gets big, that guy will feel like a twit.
Arhg, their forum is driving me nuts. I registered, patiently waited my 24 hours, activated my account and logged in. Hit reply, typed out a long post puuting the world to rights, hit continue and got a message saying you cant actually POST on a forum for 7 DAYS!! after registration.
Dumb as shite.
#56 - Gunn
Quote from colcob :Arhg, their forum is driving me nuts. I registered, patiently waited my 24 hours, activated my account and logged in. Hit reply, typed out a long post puuting the world to rights, hit continue and got a message saying you cant actually POST on a forum for 7 DAYS!! after registration.
Dumb as shite.

Yeah I guess they are used to people signing up just to flame them. A week gives the angry reader some time to cool off. Either that or it takes a week to load all of those offensive advertisements. A pity they didn't make their reviewer :smurf: wait a week before writing his review!
Hehe. If you've got a problem you don't stop people from telling you about, you fix it! Some people.
I'm sure Phil Wand said he contacted Viktor (I think) about doing the review based on the alpha demo, and had waited as long as possible for the release of the "full" alpha, but it wasn't available before he had a chance to do the review. Given that Phil awarded LFS 90%, and that in this month's new, revamped PC Zone, LFS is one of the two games he's listed as "playing this month" in his staff profile, I think it's hugely unfair to suggest that he deliberately did some kind of hatchet job on LFS.

The points he raises are valid concerning the demo servers, and maybe he dwelled too long on that, but look at it the other way- anyone who reads the review and tries out LFS is going to be on the demo servers, and they'll base their decision to buy or not to buy, on their experiences on the demo servers. If the standards of behaviour as highlighted by the review (maybe would have been better as a preview piece) are a problem, then maybe Scawen needs to think about what mechanisms can be put in place to restrict the effects of bad behaviour on those servers.

The kind of rabid fanboyism on display in topics like this is the kind of thing that's often made the rest of the sim racing community raise the eyebrow at us LFS racers.

Last point, I don't see the problem with referring to the cars as Starions and Puntos- Phil was painting a picture, and that's what the cars basically are, in just the same way that counterstrike has AK47s and MP5s.
#59 - Gunn
Quote from JohnMid1098 : I think it's hugely unfair to suggest that he deliberately did some kind of hatchet job on LFS.

Who suggested that he deliberately did a hatchet job? If you can't write a proper review about any game then you shouldn't be reviewing at all. The score of 90% is irrelevant, the review was incomplete, poorly researched and delivered, and full of fabricated information. An appalling display of ignorance and unprofessionalism like that is beneath respect. He has misled his own readers, not by design, but through ignorance. If I never ever read another game review by him it will be precisely 5 minutes too soon.
I suspect the author of the 'review' has bought some Electronic Arts' shares lately..
Quote from XCNuse :
lucky pczone is british.. if they were american.. they would have lawsuits so fast.... i would make sure of that

You can't sue someone for having an opinion different to yours.
Think of all the crappy movies and recordings that get great reviews everyday.

As the saying goes, any press is good press. I for one distrust critics whole heartedly, and if I read such a review, I'd probably immediatly download the game.
Quote from Flycantbird :You can't sue someone for having an opinion different to yours.

That said, a woman sued a department store for tripping over a child in the way. She won. The sad thing was that the child was her own, and she put him/her/it there in the first place. Only in america...

It wouldn't surprise me if someone did and could sue someone for having an opinion.

No offence was meant to any American's
Quote from Gunn :Who suggested that he deliberately did a hatchet job? If you can't write a proper review about any game then you shouldn't be reviewing at all. The score of 90% is irrelevant, the review was incomplete, poorly researched and delivered, and full of fabricated information. An appalling display of ignorance and unprofessionalism like that is beneath respect. He has misled his own readers, not by design, but through ignorance. If I never ever read another game review by him it will be precisely 5 minutes too soon.

couldn't agree with you more excellent post
Quote from Gunn :Who suggested that he deliberately did a hatchet job? If you can't write a proper review about any game then you shouldn't be reviewing at all. The score of 90% is irrelevant, the review was incomplete, poorly researched and delivered, and full of fabricated information. An appalling display of ignorance and unprofessionalism like that is beneath respect. He has misled his own readers, not by design, but through ignorance. If I never ever read another game review by him it will be precisely 5 minutes too soon.

Quote from JohnMid1098 :Given that Phil awarded LFS 90%

Granted, he gave it a nice score. But it still misrepresents LFS - lets be honest.

Quote from JohnMid1098 :The points he raises are valid concerning the demo servers, and maybe he dwelled too long on that

Yes, thats a fair point, but at no stage does he actually say this is on the demo servers, and nor does he state that there are alternatives.

Quote from JohnMid1098 :The kind of rabid fanboyism on display in topics like this is the kind of thing that's often made the rest of the sim racing community raise the eyebrow at us LFS racers.

Perhaps. You're entitled to your own opinion.

Quote from JohnMid1098 : Last point, I don't see the problem with referring to the cars as Starions and Puntos- Phil was painting a picture, and that's what the cars basically are, in just the same way that counterstrike has AK47s and MP5s.

Yes, but to some level Counterstrike is more valid to call them AK47's and MP5's as they are based on them. LFS's cars arent; whilst they may look like those vehicles, they dont believe that they handle like them - which is an important distinction; as this is a sim (a minor point is that I have no idea how well CS compares with real life).

And again, Phil made absolutely no emphasis that these vehicles arent actually in-game.
#66 - Gunn
Quote from JohnMid1098 :The kind of rabid fanboyism on display in topics like this is the kind of thing that's often made the rest of the sim racing community raise the eyebrow at us LFS racers

Yeah I come over all fanboyish when someone refers to our community as "sons of bitches" and "authentic arseholes". I can't help it, its a character flaw. illepall:

Meh, I've had my say, I feel a little better now.

Does anyone have any chips? I'm a bit peckish after today's ranting.
*hands gunn some chips*
I wish I had some chips
*Eats chips within sight of The*
Quote from Flycantbird :You can't sue someone for having an opinion different to yours.
Think of all the crappy movies and recordings that get great reviews everyday.

true, but thats not whats in question here.
if you review latest "madonna album", trash it in public media, yet always adress it in the review (AND TITLE) as "britney's latest", there is sue material or at least a very good reason to be pissed about.
its not about opinion its about honesty and correct behaviour.
any real movie critic will say to you that even when they trash films, they SEE THEM. from beginning to end. and its painful sometimes...
they dont post reviews of something they havent seen.
just like a reporter, doesnt write a on-location report for a newspaper without actually having been there. the ones that were caught were instantly removed from media arena and went on to pursue other careers, if allowed...
Why Offend Readers Of PC Zone ?
Quote from Racer Y :the people that probably read that review the most are ppl that were already exposed to LFS and the writer's parents. The others? Well if they were there, I'd bet it was by accident and they could care less for racing sims. So whatever is written there, really don't make a difference.

Hi Racer Y

I guess by this remark you mean me ? Well i was one of the guys who read the review and was attracted to LFS by it, infact so much so not only did i buy S2 i brought a wheel to play it with. What reading the magazine and this review has to do with Phil Wand's (the writers) parents i dont know. What could you possibly be implying ? Comments like this just go to proving the writer right in his asumptions. We should be doing more to dismiss the fact that we are all Ar** Holes rather than helping prove it. Just for the record i was not "there by accident" and yes i am interested in racing sims.

Kindest Regards Tim
I'd accept an apologize from PC Zone somewhere in the magazine. Like "sorry our reviewer made a mistake, he reviewed a demo instead of S2."

But they're not gonna do it because they don't care. I think there's only 1 readable gaming magazine. All the finns will recognize it
Quote from tristancliffe :*Eats chips within sight of The*

evul bastard
tee hee
Quote from Racer Y :See if they'd pimp out their stuff like give freebee licenses to these "profesional writers", then you'd see waaay better reviews.

Yeah we always do that for proper reviewers. In this case we heard they had just written the LFS review, about the day after S2 Alpha full version came out, so we offered licenses at that point. They just didn't take us up on the offer, although there was plenty of time to make an adjustment to the article if needed. But i guess they were busy with other things, having just completed this review.

Quote from Racer Y :@ scawen (if your there dude) why do you really care anyways? you got enough cash and heck you even got a large harcore following already.

Well it's not like i'm really cut up about it or anything... I simply must raise an objection when "the people who play LFS" are referred to as "arseholes", because it's insulting and wrong. It would be fine to say that if the statement was qualified by saying that this was only on the demo, and the situation is different on the licensed servers. That's my only strong negative point about the article.

Of course i don't mind about hearing valid criticisms - many could be made about various things that need improvement - but none really were in this case other than saying (at length) that this is a game played by people with no manners.
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PC Zone ignore us!
(95 posts, closed, started )