The online racing simulator
Quote from XCNuse :what are you gonna do at that speed anyway? lol car makers cant even imagine that number.. plus, even if a car could go that fast... then what? you cant do anything but stop.. if you would even live, aerodynamics would have to be insane at that speed..

(plus.. where'd you even find the room to go that fast?)

You can do 718 at Blackwood and easily make the corner at the end of the straight.
Quote from XCNuse :but we will NEVER have a car that will GOOO that fast.. in life; so how are we even supposed to GUESS how physics react at those speeds on ground?!?)

Thrust SSC has broken the sound barrier. I will say again, I'm not asking for the physics to be changed!!! They actually seem to cope very well at 718 which is a credit to the engine. If anyone has actually tried messing around with these things they will know that the cars break before the physics does and it is great fun to see all that happen as a demo of how good the car modelling and physics really are.
Quote from southamptonfc :I think your statement imples that an FX-57 runs the same amount of physics cycles per second as a Pentium3.

Yes, it does. LFS runs at a fixed rate of 100Hz with 20 sub samples per step for tyre physics, so you could say tyre physics run at 2000Hz.
The processor does not influence that at all. Otherwise people with better CPU's would have a benefit because their physics suddenly run more accurate. Also no replays would work, because each CPU would show different results.

Now, of course "we" aren't the devs but we know them for several years now and interrupting physics development for such "fun" (and completely unnecessary) things like increasing the speed barrier is one of the last things Scawen would do. I'm not too sure if he's really fond of the whole LFSTweak thingy either, so changing something for the sole purpose to please people who use a hack tool... I very much doubt that will happen. Ever.
Quote from southamptonfc :Thrust SSC has broken the sound barrier.

He said car, not rocket with wheels tucked to it
Quote from Hankstar :Obviously Vain's not a dev, that's why he's taking an educated guess at why you can't go 719+kph...e.g. that it would indeed require significant physics improvements (and, as suggested above, a lot of guess work on the handling of a supersonic race car) for it to work, even though it would be utterly pointless (in the realm of car simulation)

But you never know - Scawen may well reply to this question...

I know, I was just getting a bit annoyed with people saying it's a stupid idea and it wont work like they know the code inside out. Dumass's point about collision dection is the only sensible suggestion as to why there must be a reset speed and he made it without sounding like a know-it-all. Personally I think it might be there to stop cars flying off at stupid speeds when collisions cause the physics engine to break down and produce crazy forces, we've all had one of those where the car is sent flying.
Quote from AndroidXP :Yes, it does. LFS runs at a fixed rate of 100Hz with 20 sub samples per step for tyre physics, so you could say tyre physics run at 2000Hz.
The processor does not influence that at all. Otherwise people with better CPU's would have a benefit because their physics suddenly run more accurate. Also no replays would work, because each CPU would show different results.

Now, of course "we" aren't the devs but we know them for several years now and interrupting physics development for such "fun" (and completely unnecessary) things like increasing the speed barrier is one of the last things Scawen would do. I'm not too sure if he's really fond of the whole LFSTweak thingy either, so changing something for the sole purpose to please people who use a hack tool... I very much doubt that will happen. Ever.

That is very interesting, I didn't know that. However, there must be a point where a slow enough cpu will not be able to manage that amount of physics cyles. I would have thought that a good way to improve physics is to increase the cyles per second and might be done in S3.I never asked for the physics to be improved!!!!! Please understand that!I asked just 1 question. 'Please allow the car reset speed to be configurable' that's it.
because it is a stupid idea lol

what would we do at those speeds?.. honestly
If the car is reset from moving more than 2m in one step on the physics then actually increasing the physics rate would lower the reset speed...
Nice! Good point for a Pompey boy - just trying to alienate myself from everyone!
Quote from XCNuse :because it is a stupid idea lol

what would we do at those speeds?.. honestly

You don't do much, maybe poo yourself? I generally try to hold onto the wheel and try to make the corner at the end of the straight. It's great fun and I think that is the point that many people are missing.
Quote from Bob Smith :If the car is reset from moving more than 2m in one step on the physics then actually increasing the physics rate would lower the reset speed...

Err, no? If I'm not misunderstanding you, it would increase the reset speed, so it would be more than 718 km/h. Think of the extreme, if we only had one update per second, it would be very easy to drive more than two metres in that period. If we have more and more steps it gets harder (read: we need more speed) to travel more than two metres between two physics steps.

Besides that, aren't most car speed calculations done in m/s? If so, the value of (an arbitary chosen) 200m/s comes suspiciously close to 718km/h. The 2km/h difference may be due to rounding error.
lol i still dont get how you got that fast (you'll have to upload the tweak file or something, i just sit and burn rubber)

and the thing is, is that .. its unreal, thats why majority of people dont like it, because LFS is trying to represent something that would happen in life; and.. so, ya thats why lol
The tweak file and setup are in the Mechanik thread
Quote :Dumass's point about collision dection is the only sensible suggestion as to why there must be a reset speed and he made it without sounding like a know-it-all.

i win! i can make demos if needed! *wobbles off muttering to self*

Quote from AndroidXP :Err, no? If I'm not misunderstanding you, it would increase the reset speed, so it would be more than 718 km/h.

thats correct, a faster frame rate = smaller time step (the amount of time to advance the physics simulation per step) so the car will go less distance in a single step.

its most likely due to the following reasons:

collision detection (i doubt LFS has continuous collision algorithms)
spring stabability (moving the suspension so far in a single step)
general forces (could cause the car "joint" or the main simulation to "explode")
much as I think it's an unnecessary suggestion, all these replies of 'the physics change at the speed of sound' crack me up. Like allowing a car to continue on with normal physics would somehow be less realistic than a giant hand of god resetting your car. Never seen that one occur at the speed of sound either!
i honestly dont see why theres an argument ... so lfs sets a limit to how fast you can go ... this is either an arbitrary number and it wont hurt physics at normal speeds one bit if the limit is removed so everybody would be happy or it its a limit imposed by the boundaries of the physics engine (problems occuring NOT physics getting wildly inaccurate because who cares if they do ? driving at such speeds with a car is inaccurate anyway) and the limit wont change ever

so what the hell are you arguing about ?
#41 - Gunn
Quote from southamptonfc :Because you are and it doesn't make your oppinion any more important than anyone elses.

No it doesn't, but it makes it just as important as your's.
Quote from AndroidXP :Err, no? If I'm not misunderstanding you, it would increase the reset speed, so it would be more than 718 km/h. Think of the extreme, if we only had one update per second, it would be very easy to drive more than two metres in that period. If we have more and more steps it gets harder (read: we need more speed) to travel more than two metres between two physics steps.

Ah yeah. I wasn't awake (still not now either). But that doesn't make me sound as smug. Dammit when people actually check up on the spiel that I type.

Quote from AndroidXP :Besides that, aren't most car speed calculations done in m/s? If so, the value of (an arbitary chosen) 200m/s comes suspiciously close to 718km/h. The 2km/h difference may be due to rounding error.

Eh, just to make this clear, no LFS cars are able to attaint such speeds
therefore this is obviously a 'problem' for you because you are using a
tweaked car. Now, don't expect the devs to go out of their way to
help out since LFSTweak is not officially approved, it's merely tolerated.
I'm sure Scawen has a huge list of more important things to deal with.
Yes ok mate, get off your high horse, you made the software.

I don't 'expect' anything of the devs or have a 'problem'.

I just asked a simple question and I said please.

So PLEASE everyone get the F@CK off my back.
A simple question with no thought beforehand. You're on a high horse by thinking that a) it was a reasonable suggestion and b) that don't deserve to be shot down for suggesting it.

"Ask a stupid question and get told where to stick it"
Quote from tristancliffe :"Ask a stupid question and get told where to stick it"

i much prefer "Ask a stupid question and get a stupid reply"
Quote from tristancliffe :A simple question with no thought beforehand. You're on a high horse by thinking that a) it was a reasonable suggestion and b) that don't deserve to be shot down for suggesting it.

"Ask a stupid question and get told where to stick it"

The devs can tell me where to stick it, not you. I am a customer and paid the same money as you. I'm out of this now, you can reply and have the last word.
Last Word!

Hurrah, no delimiting LFS, I win
TC, you oughta change your tag to Ming the Merciless
Quote from southamptonfc :The devs can tell me where to stick it, not you. I am a customer and paid the same money as you. I'm out of this now, you can reply and have the last word.


Stick it.
