Hi guys,
Today i decided to re-open my team. It was closed because of the servers i had were shut down. But since yesterday there is good news because i've found a server! -=STG=- Drift
And i've made a new FZ5 team skin.
The current memberslist:
-=STG=- Bose - Drifter
-=STG=- Alexii - Drifter
-=STG=- Vetaz - Drifter
-=STG=- Egon - Drifter
-=STG=- Arbiter - Racer
-=STG=- Mogey- Cruiser
-=STG=- Killa - Drifter
-=STG=- JEFFOO - Drifter
-=STG=- Nitro - Cruiser
-=STG=- Jetter10 - Drifter
Newest Member :
-=STG=- Tuner
Red means: you're out, or you need to be a racer/drifter
i'll notify all the members wich arn't Drift, or Race. Because from now on -=STG=- is only for drifters and racers. if the members don't reply in 1 week, they are out. You can see this as a clean-up, we only want members wich are active, and do something back for the team. I'm going to get rid of the ranking system i've used, because it was, well, crappy... From now on, members can pick any color(s) they want, except white(only teamleader).
Recruiting is now opened...
Check www.stgteam.co.nr for more info!