The online racing simulator
S3 "pre-order"?
(50 posts, started )
S3 "pre-order"?
Hi all,

There is this odd thing going on at my LFS "Hyve"(dutch). People are saying they already paid for a 'S3 license'. As far as i know, there is no such thing... Atleast, not officially here via LFS. I'm thinking these people are falling for some kind of trick which will cost them money.

If the devs even don't know when S2 goes final yet, how can they know anything about S3, let alone some outsider, that is already selling S3 licenses

Anyone here knows anything about this "pre-ordering" S3?
Someone must have tricked them, so they think they are getting it, if S3 comes out at all.
They have an extra £12 on their LFS account. That's all
#4 - Jakg
You can "pre-order" S3 buy having £12 in your account on
Quote from _--NZ--_[HUN] :They have an extra £12 on their LFS account. That's all

Quote from Jakg :You can "pre-order" S3 buy having £12 in your account on

i didn't know
I thought that money on there was for downloading hi-res skins in-game, if you have that option turned on in LFS. But i guess that if you turn it off and have money on your account it's a "S3 pre-order" ?

But how can they know now that S3 will cost £12 to upgrade from S2? Did any of the devs say anything about this? or is it on the website somewere? Still think it's odd, 'cos you never know when and if S3 comes, so having money "set aside" on your account is a waste, for all we know it'll cost more due to reasons..

Anyway.. i'm still confused
If they have the £12 on their account they can use it for high res skin downloads, but before they were introduced people put on an extra £12 to say they were S3 licensed.

In reality no one is S3 licensed as there is no S3 license.
and there is no way to know how much the S3 license will cost. It's possible that it will be more, so anyone who put up that money could easily be made to pay more.
Pre ordering an S3 liscense would not be smart (IE having 12 pounds on your account and draining it for S3 before it's released) because nobody would have any idea when it could be released.
Quote from h3adbang3r :Pre ordering an S3 liscense would not be smart (IE having 12 pounds on your account and draining it for S3 before it's released) because nobody would have any idea when it could be released.

And if you consider inlfation....
So.. If you're from USA, don't pre-order yet
the devs said iirc that every stage (s) will cost 12pounds. So we know how much it costs.
Quote from beefyman666 :In reality no one is S3 licensed as there is no S3 license.

Oh it's there (at least as far as the forum is concerned). There's just no way to become S3 licenced atm.
Attached images
Bob, I'll swap you this brown envelope full of moneys for that user title :eek:
Quote from Bob Smith :Oh it's there (at least as far as the forum is concerned). There's just no way to become S3 licenced atm.

Haha - I want to be a super moderator

What a great title that would be
Note the group names and user titles do not match.
Well, so the forum is S3 ready.. but LFS itself has to wait for a wile
Quote from Bob Smith :Oh it's there (at least as far as the forum is concerned). There's just no way to become S3 licenced atm.

Atleast it's there ready and waiting for the distant future.
Why would people want to "pre-order" S3??? Its not like S3's going to be out of stock or something since it could be another download + unlock like S2...

FACT: Pre-ordering S3 makes your e-penis 7x bigger
Quote from Nitrous13270 :Why would people want to "pre-order" S3??? Its not like S3's going to be out of stock or something since it could be another download + unlock like S2...

To help out the development team perhaps

Quote from dougie-lampkin :FACT: Pre-ordering S3 makes your e-penis 7x bigger

Well, obviously, theres the concern that in a very unfortunate event due to some very unfortunate circumstances that S3 won't be released but look at it in this way, the devs may allow the pre-order of the S3 licence so that you get it cheaper, kinda same the thing that they do with commericialised games (i.e.: Halo 2 before it was released) so that if you wait till its released, then you'd have to pay something like 20 instead of the usual 12 per stage.

Obviously, this would seem like a cheeky move from the devs but game publishers (or in this case, developers and publishers) like to ensure that a bunch of people will buy it before they even try it, so if it turns out crap, they still got the money .

Personally, I bought S2 from the go when only S1 was around, perhaps a silly move to do but S2 seemed to be a definite thing at the time but I think that since we've had S2 for a couple years now and there haven't been any major changes to it except for some new physics and couple new cars, it seems we're far away from a complete S2 version so it would be stupid to even ponder about S3 now would be silly because God knows when the devs will work on it. They will work on it, I'm sure of it as they seem to be proper chaps and stick to their word but whether I'll, and I'm sure many others will be the same, be still be racing in LFS or not is another story altogether.
I am ready to order as soon s3 will be ready
Quote from Bob Smith :Oh it's there (at least as far as the forum is concerned). There's just no way to become S3 licenced atm.

Quote from Bob Smith :Note the group names and user titles do not match.

Nobody catch this yet?
Yes.. but what's your point? Fake screenie? Something else?

S3 "pre-order"?
(50 posts, started )