The weekend races are honestly only really to add some structure and some competition, for those that CAN race at weekends. I just got off the phone with Jay a few minutes ago, and he has again reiterated that this competition is for everyone and anyone who wants a chance at a racing career, including those people who have saturday jobs, or have to go visit relatives at the weekend etc. Not being able to make an event at a weekend will have absolutely no bearing on your chances of getting noticed. As well as our weekend winners, we are looking for many, many others who will go through to the next round.
What V1 are looking for specifically, you can do at any time during the week, by racing in one of the practice servers. Put lots of laps in, try to drive quickly but try to drive consistently and finish as many of the races you start as possible. These are the things that V1 are looking for.. and the statistics that will be examined in close detail by Jay and the V1 panel are being collected for every lap that you drive while on one of the V1 servers.
The weekend races are a bit of a fast track, sure.. but nobody who can't make them will be excluded from an equal chance at being offered the chance to move to the next round.