MY first Improvement Suggestion is for developers start guiving us some news about how things going.
SITREP (Situation Report) is defined as "an update to an existing report, issued as conditions change or events begin to unfold.
WY? because this is a paying game , and from 25th, 2005 20:00 we only got patchs for stupid bugs and more languages. well that sucks.
2º please clear all bugs out, i dont have to write here because i bet they all were posted allready, but 1 anoying bug that is here from 1.0 beta is the wired crashes at 1km\h that makes you fly away at 300 km\h .
3º F1 car, truck,some classic cars like a porche 911 turbo from 1974,or and many mustang 1970 whith v8 as many other 70's great cars that make a good model for a race car.
Speed tracks, stunt tracks, many more objects for editor,would love to see huge ramp.
4º Ooptions for servers(no damadge on cars, low , medium, real) for stunt tracks this would be nice.
Difrent types of rules for Flags, as many as in real races(car\track demand)
5º my 1 sugestion 1000 times
ps:congrats for the awards