The online racing simulator
Quote from BastianB :
do you make this as job or something?

No, Im just a student trying to have some fun with camera

Anyway thanks to all
#652 - Don
Amazing as always Don!
#654 - Don
what WAS amazing was the ride in that car that i was given - i was thinking "bah some group n production car, how fast can it be?" - but WOW, that was totally unbelievable as he went to the corners SO MUCH faster than you would imagine it was possible, braked SO LATE and the acceleration from the experience i`ve ever had.
No, but that's Siim's car.
Yeah i know...
Random photo wankery
#660 - Don
beautiful non the less... have you ever considerd doing photography for a career? your bloody amazing
Got me a new photography model yesterday.....

Don - fantastic as usual!
Mrodgers - nice model that one!

Got a chance to snap a few seagulls (among other things) today at a local marina. Never really photographed birds...tough stuff. Good thing they were in abundance. And no, I didn't get pooped on

There seemed to be two types of them: white ones... ... 74888530_caf6db2827_o.jpg
...and black. ... 74888528_5f819159a3_o.jpg
But white ones dominated ... 74888532_ba5d27d5e0_o.jpg
This bird's got something on its mind ... 74888538_8214f07e5c_o.jpg ... 74888542_6699b37498_o.jpg
I hanged around till sunset and this was my reward ... 74891774_eca247dc55_o.jpg ... 74888544_8a7d48f191_o.jpg
And the supermodel ... 74891776_c09f4fd111_o.jpg

#664 - Don
Quote from mickyc30 :beautiful non the less... have you ever considerd doing photography for a career? your bloody amazing

if only it was that easy...
Hi Don,

Just wondering if you've upgraded your stuff for this rally:

From my Exif viewer it says your using a lens that probably tops out at 200mm and has an aperture of f/2.8. Is this true? If so - what lens were you using? I'm shooting a rally later today and was looking at your tips and exif to get some tips with the Sigma 70-300 on how you get your very sharp images and amazing colours.

#666 - Don
yeah, i bought Canon EF 200mm f/2.8 L II USM just before that rally - obviously i`d prefer 70-200/2.8 but that is SO expensive. Anyway, on a rally, i can live with prime 200mm - it`s about the most commonly used focal length for me.
Quote from mcintyrej get some tips with the Sigma 70-300 on how you get your very sharp images and amazing colours.

He downloads them from google images and changes filenames....

Ha ha Ha ha!!!

Just kidding, Don

I am always stunned by his images. Don't forget about Spankmeyer either. He is right there with Don as well. Both take amazingly crisp and sharp shots.
Quote from Don :yeah, i bought Canon EF 200mm f/2.8 L II USM just before that rally - obviously i`d prefer 70-200/2.8 but that is SO expensive. Anyway, on a rally, i can live with prime 200mm - it`s about the most commonly used focal length for me.

In that case - do you have any tips for the Sigma 70-300? These pictures are hopefully going to be featured in a magazine so need to be sharp and good.
#669 - Don
dont go below f8 and dont go much over ~220mm, otherwise you`ll get very soft (blurry) images. atleast that`s what works on mine piece.
Quote from mcintyrej :...the Sigma 70-300? ...need to be sharp and good.

Buy a better lens.

Sorry that isn't too helpful, but I have a Sigma 70-300 and although it's nice and cheap, it's not a great lens for pixel-peeping sharpness across the whole frame. As Don says, you need to be stopped down quite a bit, and I also find mine is slow to focus. So you need good light and a static or slow-moving subject. I also find mine to be low in contrast. I used to think of it as an axcellent lens, and it is good for it's price, but now that I upgraded my general zoom earlier this year, my telezoom Sigma is really showing it's weaknesses and so is now first on the list for eventual replacement, when I can afford it.
Here's a few shots from last week in the Lake District...

A clear sky can be a rare thing in the Lakes, so here's the moon.

A famous car from the South Lakes Motor Museum.

View across Windermere.

Had to keep the little'un entertained (my nephew) so a wild animal park was also on the itinerary.

Weather was pretty rubbish for Lake District landscapes, sadly.
got a 1000d the other night because it was cheap haven't really played with it to much but here is a photo that i took from it just out of the box around a mates place.
Don i was going through the photos on the website, got a quick question

for some of the panoramas

did you HDR them because they are extremely well detailed but a little cartoon or painting look that hdr gives

now to do this i need to be in AV mode and take 3 photos -2eb 0ev and =2 ev yes?

then use photomatrix or photoshop to map the raw files

but then after that what would you recommend doing and also can you tell me what lens you use for the panorama ones

ive got a 2 canons now so i can take a canon 35mm mount

anything you could recommend?
ok got out there today and took some photos on the EFS 18-55mm lens that came with the cam wanted to see how it preformed and by Christ it did well here is some of my first HDR as well........

I have a quick update on what I'm doing with my camera stuff. Hopefully getting a Canon 70-200 f/4.0L, then selling my Sigma 70-300 APO. Then after that hopefully sell my 350D and grip and get a 30D body or something like that.

Camera Showoff
(5560 posts, started )