The online racing simulator
About to buy, a long time i've waited, have a few doubts
Hi all, i've waited since 2001 to buy because i only had money to study and no work, now i keep going with studies but also got a job.

Sorry to ask, surely this questions where made somewhere, but i want to know what happen to the license in the long term, in the course of the years, if someone uses the license the first three times, then the other two times.
It has happened, or i misinterpreted the number of licences key limits?

By the way, it's great to know that i can unlock in at least two computers, i recently upgraded from my momo racing wheel to an astonishing (and incredibly dear) logitech G25, so i intend to have some local fun. Here in argentina i have to pay 4 times the international price in local currency, for hardware as well as software (lfs included) so it's a lot of hard won money involved.
You start off with three activations. You also get a new one every week unless you have three already - so you can never run out for more than a week (which is unlikely).
Ah, many thanks, it's in fact very flexible. Hope to join licensed racers club in a couple of days =)
#4 - J@tko
Quote from Armatian :Ah, many thanks, it's in fact very flexible. Hope to join licensed racers club in a couple of days =)

Excellent - you'll love it
Tenes 3 desbloqueos por semana , si te quedas sin Desbloqueos (Unlocks) todos los viernes de cada semana te dan 1 mas

Si vas a jugar en ciber no te comviene , pero si vas a jugar desde tu casa , entonses si te comviene

Tambien la lisencia es de por vida , a menos que salga S3 que tenes que pagar 12euros mas para tener s3 , pero de aca a que salga s3 faltan muchos años

Otro dato muy importante , No importa quien sea o que te de a cambio es contra las reglas de los desarroladores prestar , dejar usar , tu lisencia s2

No importa si es tu hno o tu padre o tu novia , es completamente ilegal dejar usar a los demas tu lisencia y si se llegan a enterar podes ser baneado permanentemente de los servers s2

Awesome, always nice to see a new member. You're in the right place, you'll find knowledge all over this forum, for just about anything you may need, related to LFS. As you begin playing online, you'll have questions, and this is the place to be. Enjoy!
Quote from duke_toaster :You start off with three activations. You also get a new one every week unless you have three already - so you can never run out for more than a week (which is unlikely).

ive randomly checked my unlocks on and it have always said '2 unlocks left'
You start with 3. You use one and it goes back to a max of 2?
#9 - bbman
thanks for clearing my mind up
So You have waited 7 years to ask this question?
ANd You startd waiting already even before LFS was known to public
Quote from RudiTurbo :...ANd You startd waiting already even before LFS was known to public

...that's also what I thought when I read the first post.