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murder next to my house
(26 posts, started )
murder next to my house
yesterday at 9'clock some very old guy came to our door. when we opened, i saw him having hes face looking like he'd be shocked, hes head all covered in blood and so was hes hands, than he saif ''mää oon tehny jotain pahaa...''
what means ''i've done something bad'' and wanted us to call him a ambulance and a police. the guy was drunken and had a fight with hes friend and he tough he was killed hes friend. im not sure was the man really killed but i guess this will be in the news soon. is something like this ever happened to you?(no, not the killing but that some killer wants an ambulance from you)
Sorry you head to deal with that. Hopefully that works out and no one actually died.
Quote from Lateralus : Sorry you head to deal with that. Hopefully that works out and no one actually died.

it wasnt rly that bad for me but still, i got bit shocked from that, first i tough hes gonna do something to me cos you see a drunken man with head and hands in blood. but the guy he tough he killed was a good friend of him. they both live in the same block of flats i do
So did he get arrested? Or taken to hospital?
Quote from Lateralus :So did he get arrested? Or taken to hospital?

well, both. he left with and ambulance tough, but i dont really know that alot from this thing but i think he gets arrested as soon as he is healthy. you know, you cant arrest a man if hes head is bleeding
well a guy came to my door and asked for the number to the hospital because his girlfriend had just overdosed on all kinds of pills but maybe thats not the same thing.
I had a police raid at 1:30 in the morning, which made me very self conscious of how dirty my dressing gown was. Turned out they had the right door number but the wrong road.
Sounds rough, guy.

They found a car full of the July 7th explosives round the corner from my old house, and my girlfriend's bus route used to go through the estate where they arrested some of the people behind the attack. Good times!
Quote from Becky Rose :I had a police raid at 1:30 in the morning, which made me very self conscious of how dirty my dressing gown was. Turned out they had the right door number but the wrong road.

I've had that too once, they even wanted to kick out my door. They were looking for the former renter of my house. I guess he didn't check out, also got lots of mail for him
The closest I have been to a situation like that was when I worked in a newsagents. Some kids were hanging around outside as usual, causing trouble, then suddenly a customer fell back into the shop with blood pouring from his head. It turns out one of the kids hit him over the head with a bike chain, not the kind you use for your push bike, the big metal ones used for motorbikes. The guy was okay in the end, but he could easily have been killed.

As for your story, I think it would be manslaughter, unless he set out to kill someone on purpose.
Most of you guys have seen this before. Picture of the K9 unit searching my property for the body of the previous owner's first wife.....

Closest that I've come to murder/manslaughter...
I was pretty close to a gruesome murder when I stayed the night at forum mod Bob Smith's house.
#13 - aoun
some of the areas here in Sydney aren't really that good. being young and growing up in certain places, your bound to see a stabbing, shooting and plenty of brawls.
Quote from aoun :some of the areas here in Sydney aren't really that good. being young and growing up in certain places, your bound to see a stabbing, shooting and plenty of brawls.

Yeh Skippy has really gone off the rails.
I once thought a neighbour had popped his clogs parking his car in the garage at 2AM (he seemed to have dropped with his foot on the gas so the engine was red lining), I phoned 999, which is harder work than I expected but that is a story for another day, it turns out he had passed out and from what I heard he was diabetic. So I probably saved his life :3
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I once thought a neighbour had popped his clogs parking his car in the garage at 2AM (he seemed to have dropped with his foot on the gas so the engine was red lining), I phoned 999, which is harder work than I expected but that is a story for another day, it turns out he had passed out and from what I heard he was diabetic. So I probably saved his life :3

how drunk were you?
Quote from Luke.S :how drunk were you?


He saved a dude's life...., and you'd struggle to do that drunk
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :, I phoned 999, which is harder work than I expected but that is a story for another day, i

Quote from J@tko :WTF???

He saved a dude's life...., and you'd struggle to do that drunk

Why would it be hard to phone 999 :P
Quote from Luke.S :Why would it be hard to phone 999 :P

I think he means that getting the information to the dude/dudette at the other end was hard - not physically typing 999

I might be wrong though
#21 - 5haz
Our driveway is the only driveway in the street that backs directly onto another street, so when someones on the run from the police in my area they usually end up running up our driveway and jumping the fence.

The police always seem to use our street (a dead end) as a car park whenever theres somthing going on.

Our area of London isn't that bad really, a lot of people say its dodgy, but I think if you really want to see dodgy you should head further west towards Tower Hamlets/ Bethnal Green way, East London has a bad reputation, but most of the wannabe gangstas around here are all mouth and no trousers, most of the violence comes from drunk people and tax evading gypsys.
Quote from J@tko :I think he means that getting the information to the dude/dudette at the other end was hard - not physically typing 999

I might be wrong though

This, first thing I said was "my neighbour has collapsed in his car, it looks like he has stopped breathing" which was fallowed by "do you need fire, police or ambulance?" You'd have thought given the "looks like he stopped breathing" line they'd know it is hardly a fire or robbery. The whole conversation was full of difficulty getting the message across.
Well, closest one was when i visited to my frends house..
hes neighbour was some junkie..
When i left from there at night, this junkie started to act like
mainiac.. throwing chairs, tables and all kinds of things out of hes
aparment thru to window. (this continue all night long)
And next morning hes was death i think..
taking too much pills or something.. but they didnt notice that in first morning.. take days when someone checked hes house (maybe hes mom or so) and found that guy dead in there.
It was little bit wierd to come from school at home and see helicopters and cops all around my living road..
Closest I've come in my house was last year, when two detectives screeched up my drive in a '97 plate battered red Mondeo, ran out of the car, and asked me had I heard about a robbery. That was literally the question. I have to admit I lol'd a bit They were real official, had one of those detachable sirens on the roof, had full ID and everything. Then they came in for a mug of tea

There's plenty of trouble in Limerick city, near where I live though. It's called stab city for a reason There's 2 or 3 regions which are just absolute no-go unless you live there though. You will be shot on sight for entering...Scary stuff
What I would have done is said "brb" and shut the door in his face, then got my phone and been like "YOU'VE BEEN YOUTUBED".

murder next to my house
(26 posts, started )