The 1937 London Trophy was the first ever televised motor race.
The first ever American Football match played under floodlights was abandoned at half time as the players ran into the light poles.
Native Americans have an almost 100% chance of having lactose intolerance. The Dutch have around 1% chance.
John McCain was born in Panama in a US military base. He makes bloody nice oven chips, too.
The King of Sweden, Richard Branson and Jay Leno are all dyslexics.
The BBC series Spooks (Americans : it's like 24 but less monumentally stupid and better) has only one remaining character that was in the first episode.
Vladimir Putin is reputedly a black belt in Judo. The North Korean government claim that their dictator, Jong-Il Kim can hit two to three holes in one per round of golf.
Tata own Jaguar, Land Rover, Corus (formerly British Steel) and Tetley Tea.
The first mid engined car to win a Grand Prix was not in the 1960s. Assuing the AIACR European Championship (functually the World Championship races) are counted, an Auto Union Type C won the 1937 Belgian Grand Prix in the hands of Rudolf Hasse. The cars were absolute dogs to drive - that year all the other world championship races were won by Mercedes' front engine W125.
Hitler stopped going to motor racing after 1938 as a British driver won the Belgian GP (albeit in of of the cars his regime funded).
I set my alarm clock to get up for GP qualifying ... but the bloody thing broke