The online racing simulator

Poll : OK or BAD in WHEELS VIEW when HAZE EFFECT is switched on?

Closed since :
OK - "Haze effect" YES -> everything is OK in wheels view
DON'T KNOW - can't find the option / don't want to test it
BAD - "Haze effect" YES -> corrupted in wheels view (please give info)
No problems on a ATI 9600XT 256.

6600 GT no probs.

I think the easiest way to see the effect is to look down the blackwood straight and into the background, it looks a little foggy.
FX5500 256mb AGP - Lastest Dets

No Problems Here, always On.
Works Fine GF 6600gt with 81.98
Huh, youre bit late, m8
All ok for me. Radeon X1800XT Cat 6.3

Thanks everyone.

Seeing as not one person reported any kind of problem, I have changed the code so in the next patch it will be enabled by default, no matter what card you have.

Coincidentally we have also just fixed a haze bug which made the track flicker when cars drove over it in the distance, so now we can enable the haze in the TV camera as well. So that looks a little nicer when there is distant scenery in the picture. It's only a minor effect but just helps in a small way with depth perception and realism.

Many more effects are planned for the future, of course...
Super, great to know. TBH I'd never used the external cameras so hadn't noticed.
Quote from Scawen :Coincidentally we have also just fixed a haze bug which made the track flicker when cars drove over it in the distance, ...

The one where complete track "segments" seemed to be too bright when a car was driving on them? Would be really cool if that was fixed Damn how I hate(d) this bug

Quote from Scawen :Many more effects are planned for the future, of course...

I'd vote for lightmaps
Quote from Scawen :Thanks everyone.

Seeing as not one person reported any kind of problem, I have changed the code so in the next patch it will be enabled by default, no matter what card you have.

Coincidentally we have also just fixed a haze bug which made the track flicker when cars drove over it in the distance, so now we can enable the haze in the TV camera as well. So that looks a little nicer when there is distant scenery in the picture. It's only a minor effect but just helps in a small way with depth perception and realism.

Many more effects are planned for the future, of course...

Hi Scawen,

Run without issue on my graphic card as well.

I am really looking forward the new patch but would be also possible to fix that shadow "bug" with number of cars.It only display now max 8 shadows under the cars and I dont see reason why it cant display for example shadows under all cars.
Is this having some negative performance effect?If yes maybe it could be possible to a have slider for how many shadows under the cars are displayed?

Regarding the more effect planned I remeber you mentioned once in past that once most of the cards will have DX9 support that you might add some DX9 effects as well.Is that still in focus for soon future?I think the DX9 time is here.At least in my opinion.

Btw...I checked your baby photos so I would like to make a congratulation to you.Nice baby room as well.I know its quite late but I have been quite a long time off the LFS scene being very busy in my current job.

Good luck...good life.