The online racing simulator
Get list of allowed cars/tracks via InSim?
Hey there,

I propably may have missed something but I cannot find a way to get a list of alled cars or tracks of a serv using InSim. Hope anyone can help me with that question.

I don't think there is a way of getting the current list of available actually... you can force them with /cars - other than that, I don't think its possible. but I could be wrong
Hello VorTeX3k,

i will add a +1 to the answer of Krammeh.

When building the Drive_LFSS core i got the exact same probleme as you.

I solved the problem with Overwriting the original command, with !command , so when a admin wan to change car he as to pass by that system , and this system will save the data into db , so event after a restart of my insim application , the track should be know by him.

I do understand this can report not good data! but my system is ****ing more complex then just the idea pointed here! so i always have the good data i Call that system "RaceTemplate"

So i suggest you try making a command to change car and told admin to use it so you can save the data.

Hope it help.
#4 - nikka
You can have your insim app do a http request to lfsworld to get the list of hosts. You'll find the information there.
Also the hostxxxxx.txt file (xxx is port numb) contains current car and track info.
The host server must be running for this file to exist.



Just scan that file.
that hostsxxxxx.txt file was not know by me... Grrrrrr ...

i will love to learn that some week ago
Don't forget to monitor the chat, or an admin might use a /cars command, and change it outside of your app
Thanks mates. Of course I know of the host file as well the other option. What I really need is a way to get the list of allowed cars via InSim, since - for my needs - no direct access to the server running LFS may be possible.

So I think I really need to strip down the feature set in that case