My quick review.
Nothing special here, a normal 7-Zip extractable .exe file, took about 5 mins to unpack.
Setting up player & controls:
Since I have tried the original Netkar, this was pretty straight forward for me. It certainly isn't user friendly to set up the controls but it gets the job done with a bit wondering and trying out.
Worked like a charm for me. Entered the given account details and BANG, green LICENSED light right up.
First time on the track:
Started in a F1600 at first, clicked around anything I could find and managed to start the car rather quickly. Managed to drive a few corners until I noticed the sound was waaaay too loud. So I dropped the master volume down to about 25%, pressed ok, back to the track again and it was STILL as loud as before. Obviously there's some problems with saving sound settings? After turning windows master volume down I found it to be OK.
Very very very good. LFS and Netkar have always been the only games where I can actually feel the car on the steering wheel. Needless to say, this easily tops out any ISI based trash that is out there. Nkpro doesn't feel canned in any way, which means I have lots of faith in this sim.
At first, I thought it was pretty bad. The engine sounds cracky and popcorn like, but the dynamic feeling is there (notable difference in pitch at different throttle). I think LFS does this a lot better, but it's better than any sampled engine out there, that's for sure.
I think it looks ok. Not too flashy or Hollywood'ish which is good. The game looks a bit worse in replays to be honest, but I don't really care what it looks like. First I was driving around in the medium settings and eventually I turned the graphics to max and it was still running very well (30-40fps range) on my relatively old PC. The track and the tires (when new) are too shiny tho, gives a too plastic look to me, but this is personal preference I guess.
Here I was deeply dissapointed. I did a few races in singleplayer (trackday) and everything had seemed fine so far. Then I decided to try a quick multiplayer session with a friend. We started trying out servers in random but for 15 minutes all we got was errors like "not responding", "wrong password" or *SYNC TIME* or god knows what. WHY in the hell don't the multiplayer lobby tell you which server is passworded or not? First you have to join a damn server to find that out! Horrible. Well after one lucky try we managed to get in to one empty server and do a bit driving.
Multiplayer racing:
I was leading a half a lap until I spun (:P) and then I was following my friend a bit. His car was warping and lagging quite a bit, it could have been the server but I doubt it since there was only two of us there and the pings were relatively low at the time.
Bugs and problems:
As I already stated, the master volume slider has no effect. Also after playing some time my FFB went all apeshizzle. It started feeling like it was on 200%, first I thought it could just be my tires and I replaced them, no hope, still my wheel wanted to rip my arms clean off my shoulders. Then I went in to the FFB settings and dropped the slider down to ~50%, pressed ok, went in to game, still way too strong. Went back to check the settings and they weren't saved! Serious problems there. Finally sorted this out by changing the Wingman profiler FFB setting.
I believe some people were expecting this to be a LFS killer at the first release, well I'm "sad" to say that it isn't that quite yet. The physics are very good (but still need tweaking). Sounds.. sound bad but they work. Multiplayer was pretty worthless to me but it can be fixed I hope. Graphics need some adjusting, the tires and the track are too shiny to my liking, looks a bit plastic sometimes.
All in all, the physics and the feeling are good and that is what matters for me. I think Netkar Pro has a really long road ahead of itself to become a refined and bug-free product, but damn, potential it has.