The online racing simulator
GTR killed the TBO star ??
(64 posts, started )
Quote from farcar :I know the dominance of GTR/Open Wheeler racing over other classes has been discussed before, but perhaps not with a specific question like this one.

Which do you enjoy more: faster cars or closer racing?

Closer racing, UF1 races always puts a smile on my face.

And i guess the XRT is still my favorite car overall.
ive found that the closest raceing that ive had in a long long time, was in the mrt. i have never tried to drive this cept on the autocross track empty, but its so much fun.

with the smaller power vehicles(and i find this in bikes too, with my 400) its more enjoyable cause its easier to come close to, without going over, the edge. you work the car more, so get more of a reward, being the quick, close racing
Quote from banshee56 :I have had several sessions (each over a couple of days) on the CEROLAG server, racing the TBO classes at Aston Club, FE Green, and KY GP Long. They always use a rule of having FXO drivers carry a passenger in front. This seems to even out the performance of the FXO relative to the XRT, with the RB4 lagging behind as usual. I have found that even though this class is slower and maybe not as exciting on your own, these cars require a lot of planning and control to make them fast, as they are NOT race cars. This is even more important when you are beside someone, as it requires a different corner entry and throttle control to make a clean pass and still be somewhat fast. These cars are a great challenge, regardless of their relative speed.

Wow! Banshee driving a car with fenders on it and liking it... never thought I would see it lol

I think the point is that the faster cars leave less time to correct for mistakes. Add that to the fact that a lot of drivers, especially on public servers, can't drive the faster cars properly, you don't get close racing.
The GTR's are sexy, it attracts the noobs because they are fast. But they are not ready to drive them in close racing situations.
I love the TBO, LRF and slower cars. They are a blast to drive and they can be caught before a big mistake happens. I think you can have close racing with all cars, but it is more likely with the slower cars.
Quote from STROBE :It seems pretty off to me. On AS3 in the GTRs I can exit the chicane and draft past the car in front, who will then tuck in behind me and draft past again, followed by me tucking in behind him and getting a draft so that we're side-by-side into T1. In real life I've never seen two cars draft each other three times in the space of one straight/such short time.

Problem with the drafting is that it doesn't feel progresisve enough - it's like hitting a "push to pass" button. I'd expect the drafting to be ever so slight at first, you just notice the increased acceleration and a slight gain on the car ahead, with the effect more and more pronounced as you close on the car in front. Instead it feels like you get nothing at first, then suddenly the whole draft effect is applied instantly.

hmmm... did you see the drafting that happened on Suzuka F1 race last year? That was some crazy-a** draft they got from the guys in front... And the straight was not that long...

Besides, it could also be that in real life drivers behind don't pass so that you can repass them. Maybe they wait instead and go for the pass close to the corner... Would be smart, huh?
I've been TBO-ing on BLGP today, great fun, although almost everyone was using FXO's, except some rwd-to-the-power guys that chose XRT.
Quote from n2oaddict :...almost everyone was using FXO's, except some rwd-to-the-power guys that chose XRT.

Hats off to the XRT racers too. There's no way I could drive one of those things in close racing situations; they're way too sensitive for me.
I love driving them, last night I was racing XRT at BLGP Rev and it's awesome. Just I had more practice with the FXO in regular BLGP and I decided to go with it, it was the safer option :P
#58 - mr_x
TBO class is very good for racing with! i used to race UF1's because they are so easy to drive close to other people, i never really tried the TBO class until last night, if you get a good setup and confidence in the car, they are easy to drive!! won my first TBO race on BLGP this morning, was a close run thing, 10 laps with a pitstop. hot laps arent needed to win, just consistent laptimes, all of my laps were within .5 of a second, helped me to a 5 second win in the end i was well chuffed
i enjoy racing tbo a lot these days. it is very nice that a lot of fxo drivers place a passenger in their car to even out the field a little.

i am not very ambitious when i am racing, but i like close racing.

70 additional kilogramms in the fxo and you don't even notice any advantage for the xrt+rb4, so much for the balance.

cmon beta-testers, do your job .
#60 - Vain
I also always watch those FXOs drive away. But I can't stand driving that car. I tried it. Hard. And I hate it. Hard.
The XRT is lovely. The RB4 weights some pounds too much, but the XRT is just right.

I love all the road class cars (UF1 - FZ5) and race them almost exlusively whenever I'm online, but that is getting less and less at the moment life's too busy .

Had some great races last weekend on SO Long Rev with the GTi and GT cars

Just to make a comment about the imbalances, sometimes its a good thing for example I was in a GTi but a sec or so off WR pace but Takumi was in a GT at WR pace so we had some great battles and close racing because of the imbalance in car performance, that wouldn't have happened with perfectly balanced cars

When I join servers with road going cars I generally race what the other guys are racing, unless I'm too far off pace , so if the majority are in GTT's with maybe a few less experienced guys in FXO's, I'll jump in a GTT also but if a few fast drivers connect and take the FXO I will also go for the FXO, as that is my car of choice at the moment. I have a sneaky feeling that that will most likely change with the next patch though
Are you drunk?
Quote from Bawbag :Are you drunk?

It all made sense to me.

Then again, I am drunk.
Quote from B2B@300 :
Just to make a comment about the imbalances, sometimes its a good thing for example I was in a GTi but a sec or so off WR pace but Takumi was in a GT at WR pace so we had some great battles and close racing because of the imbalance in car performance, that wouldn't have happened with perfectly balanced cars

well, good for you (because you prefer the faster car). for racers who like the gt these imbalances are bad, especially if you don't race at WR-pace or you have opponents in the gti who are normally as fast as yourself. i want to see more GTs on GTI/GT servers. the only way to get this, is by making the gt faster / the gti slower.

it's just nicer to have 'fair' battles and not being the permanent underdog.

GTR killed the TBO star ??
(64 posts, started )