Banning or kicking people that unfortunatly crash is wrong...not sure how many of the Redline guys have admin rights but i can tell ya right now some of them misuse the privlage...i have been racing on and off on thier Blackwood Fox server for a few weeks now and its gettin worse in my oppinion. I've sat threw multi restarts when a Redline Racer has a bad start, restarting race over and over till he makes it threw the first corner (thats BS
to do to a server full of racers) not to mention kicking and banning folks who happen to mess up and get in their way...last i checked accidents happen...gettin kicked for it is wrong...if yer such great drivers (which i happen not to be as of yet...still kinda new to racing) pilot yer car around slower/wrecked traffic...dont kick em from yer servers....the team does have a few friendly racers that i have met but for the most part seems like tooo many (inconsiderate) chiefs and not enough (decent) indians...and though it wont make a difference to RedLine or anyone else for that matter
i wont be visiting them again...will be putting up our own Fox server...we'll see how it goes