Some of you may know us in LFS under the Lo° tag. We were mainly a cruise team focusing on the well known [TC] Servers, but we have expanded since. We still focus on our two main aspects of our team, which are Activity and Socialisation. Me and Goomb have been running this team under LFS only now for a few months, however we have taken Team LightsOut into new ventures inside the Gaming world. Below is some details about our expansion and how things will work now within the new Team LightsOut.
Me and Goomb have taken a step back in the LFS sector to manage the whole of LightsOut and to look for new ventures, where we could take LightsOut to.
This expansion means we have created a new management role suited to each Subsidiary Team. The role has a different name for each Team Subsidiary. The members that will be assigned this role, will be in charge of managing the team and delivering reports of the Subsidiary's activities and progress.
Because LightsOut is expanding, we have kept recruitment open for every subsidiary barring LFS, also we may be inviting some members from other communities to join subsidiary. You can find out here.
The current Team Order is as follows (there are a couple more Subsidiaries almost ready to be formed, just some final tweaks that need to be made):
LightsOut LFS
LightsOut Racing
LightsOut Gaming
Now I will explain how this will work.
LightsOut is the head team of Team LightsOut. This sector is where the LightsOut Owners, Managers and Directors will congregate to discuss present and future situations to do with Team LightsOut. All important changes to the team will go through LightsOut.
LightsOut LFS is the current Subsidiary of Team LightsOut that you all know. To you people of the LFS Community, you will notice no difference in the way the LFS Subsidiary is run apart from we are abolishing the ranks of Team Leader and Team Management and introducing Team Director. The team director(s) will manage the LFS Subsidiary and again report to LightsOut of any present happenings or future suggestions. The Team Director rank will be accompanied by Lo°Foloride and Lo°Ripstie.
LightsOut Racing speaks for itself. this is the Subsidiary of Team LightsOut that will be competing in many race events (and maybe some drift events) on LFS, Assetto Corsa, Project Cars, rFactor 2 and iRacing. The people that will be managing this Subsidiary and forwarding present situations and future suggestions to LightsOut will be the rank of Racing Director(s). The regular rank of this Subsidiary is Driver. The Racing Director rank will be accompanied by LoR°Mikzu and LoR°Thug.
LightsOut Gaming is the Subsidiary that everyone in the whole of Team LightsOut is automatically a part of when they join Team LightsOut. LightsOut Gaming is the Subsidiary where the whole team can represent Team LightsOut to the communities of many games. We will use just a standard Lo tag to represent Team LightsOut. All Directors of all Subsidiaries will be LightsOut Gaming Team Administration and the Leaders of LightsOut will be the LightsOut Gaming Leaders.
Our recruitment is open for people to join LightsOut in the Racing and Gaming Sectors, you may find out how to apply in our recruitment section on our forum:
Just a reminder that the event is tonight, all who've signed up will have received an E-mail and LFS PM reminding them about the event. The server will be password locked at 17:00 UTC and the server password will be sent out to all those who have signed up to the event at 14:00 today, that's around roughly 2 and a half hours from now!
However, we now have full sign-ups! 0 left!
You can still sign-up as a reserve incase someone does not attend.
Good morning guys, we have another announcement to make! Thanks to Lo°Goomb , we will be throwing in an LFS License Upgrade (LFS S2-S3 - Worth £12) as well for the winner!*
That's all for now!
*If the winner already has S3, the voucher will be handed down the results to an S2 Driver.
Hello LFS Community, I am Owl, Leader and Co-Owner of Team LightsOut. We are hosting a RoC event on 15/4/17 at 6pm GMT. It will be a great night! As you will see in the video below, which is a demonstration lap of the track, this track contains an actual crossover like the real RoC at Marlins Park. More details on the briefing on our discord on the night of the event. Join our Discord here!
The video is that of an XRR completing one full lap of the League 1 Team LightsOut RoC track.
Please check for more information! (Poster is in the making! )
There is maybe one pro to LFS being on Steam which is potentially building a bigger player base. But there are many cons which the devs aren't willing to take.
Exactly Dave, you can see this guy is a cracker just by how many instances his malware has detected, no one gets that many instances of malware in a year than he did in a week.
I suggest posting proof then, what is your LFS account NAME. It's no use telling us you have one because all we could know is that you are bullshitting.
Dam! Could someone reset my unlocks as I used one, then windows 10 updated itself and reset LFS on my other machine again :/ so I used out of 2 unlocks
How about have the same cars BUT have the option to change the engines in them. For example, FXO - have a petrol and a diesel variant, Petrol engine sizes - 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2 (could even change the cylinder count). Diesel engine sizes (TDi) - 1.4, 1.9, 2.0, 2.5 V6.
Have all the cars like that in a way. That would really be nice to see, even in an s2 update!
Do you have an S2 license? Its not a good idea to be showing a cracked LFS S2 on the official forum.
.VOB mods are illegal in LFS! Showing them on the forum will most certainly get you banned from the forum!
Maybe, looking back at the TC forum you should back everything up and reinstall your computer because a couple of years back I had the same problem with my dfgt