Hi there, wasnt sure where to post this but i just wanted to drop a line to the developers and hope that they will read this..
I have driven the FB02 quite alot IRL.. and now ive tried it in LFS, its a fun car to drive, but it did not feel quite to what i was expecting from my rl experience..
first simple thing, the sound..
secondly, its how the car handles, the rear end of the rl car was very diferent, it had more "oversteering" moments, but was alot easier to hold in it, while in the game now, it feels so HP gimped that it cant spin wheels, and you can just nail the throttle..
gearbox, does not work for me, i mean its like the real thing, ill agree, but as the one that drove the car (scawen?) must have felt, and should feel now, that untill we have "force feedback sequential gear leavers" for our wheels, it wont be the same, because there you could feel when the right moment was to change gears... also you can flatshift in the FBMW if you bounce it of the rev limiter...
i love the looks of it thou, and the physics feel quite alot like the real life experience except what i noted above..
if it wasnt the FBMW that i love for a RL car, I wouldnt be telling you guys about this, because i had a blast out of driving it.. but it didnt quite feel like the real thing..
.. please excuse my spelling as english is not my native language