Hey there,
just some random thoughts about boosting LFS a little.
Having the year 2010 quite a while now, there are certain developments that were distant rumors or geeky side notes at best when LFS showed up the first time.
You might have heard of "facebook" or "twitter" already - quite successful but more or less useless tools - until now!
What if we replace those annoying:
"Martin took a dump and keeps wondering about that strange smell OMG"
messages and put them to use.
"Martin just set a new PB @ Aston (1:59:99) in a XRR and still keeps wondering about that smell."
Martins friends will like it most probably, because they dont have to put up with his usual fecal problems - and may become curious what keeps their friend from posting about the pizza he just had or that very funny picture of a little kitten.
"Martin starts a race in about 10 minutes, click here for a remote TV link."
Even not-so-racing addicted friends WILL click that link - and get in contact with what we all know as the best racing sim ever.
It´s nothing you ´d write chain letters to your friends about:
To:[email protected]
CC:[email protected]
"Hey all, you might barely remember me, but just to let you know: I found this great game I´m playing all night instead of finally getting a girl friend..."
But: it definetly is something that shows up in your profile as "hobby" or something, so you might WANT people to know and to maybe get them interested.
What I´m trying to say: LFS is just MADE for this kinda stuff.
It has a great community and there are tons of switches that could be triggered easily, by just adding a couple of buttons to "lfsworld.net" and tiny changes to LFS itself.
So the community would be supported in doing what it does best - keeping LFS alive.
There already are a couple of LFS groups on facebook - and it´d be great to fill them with life.
Thanks for listening