I amnot sure if this is what happened. I stopped playing for a month, now It feels weird. I havent changed any settings, the wheel feels easier to turn, i feel less FFB.I can't feel the car's weight thru the wheel :/ if thats the problem, where to get a replace motor, and can i do it by myself at home?
LFS is better, thats why i dont just go play rfactor and drive on mountain passes. I want to do that in LFS. I dont really care about multiplayer,i would be pleased if i could playon mountain passes SP mp would be sick tho... AND you never HAVE to download a track mod if you didnt want to. we have the same content (mostly), but if someone needs extra stuff he can just get it... better said: he could, if we had that extra stuff he ( I ) needed
Im not talking about the devs using it.Maybe there is a good programmer in our community who could make a converter or convert a track. rfactor community uses all our tracks and cars. we could do the same, if we were open for it.
also i can do some c++ c# if needed, still a newbie but can help do simple tasks
Sometimes drifting (oversteering) is the fastest way around the corner. Rally is a good example. You can get thru a mountain pass with lots of narrow, sharp turns with pulling the e-brake, go in oversteering, leave the corner with greater speed... or slow down to 15kmh, find your 'fast line', lose time with accelerating again.
Yeah the drifting most of the ppl think of is a showoff, a big fun. Showing off your skills of keeping your car oversteered, keeping it on track, keeping high speed, high angles...
Also i dont see why would people say NO for a chance to get a new kind of track, what others might enjoy. If you dont want to use a touge track, then dont, but dont kill the fun of other people. my comment is not only aimed you, but did not want to quote all the haters.
Haters gonna hate. Drifting is fun, and you need loads of experience and skill. I also like it, because anyone can enjoy and learn it, without investing super loads of money... And its not that dangerous like rally or any track races :P
And yeah touge racing is not = show drifting
hello, i have a new problem (something always happen)...I have a g25. I installed a joystick as a handbrake, everything works fine, except the manual transmission. I can map the gears, it also flashes when i put it in gear( in the options), but ingame it does nothing. If i switch to sequential it works. What can be the cause of this annoying problem? Thanks in advance
well yeah that worked, but it somehow f-d up my whole steering wheel setting. Now if i turn the wheel just a tiny the ingame steering wheel+wheels turn immediately to the max angle. ingame and logitech app setting are set to 720 degrees. I tried to reinstal, recalbriate teh wheel. no change.... any idead what the heck is wrong with my steer? It had worked for 2 month with no problem, now i set the joy as handbrake and everythign gets ****ed up
hi.i Want to set my genius joystick to function as a handbrake. I set handbrake option to axis , select the right axis (8), but here comes the problem. when the joy is in starting position, te handbrake is on, it turns off when i pull it. Its supposed to be the other way around... I tried to invert the axis, but no difference. Any suggestions?
When I use NTO it turns off the abs, the wheels block no matter how easy i am on the pedals. It shouldn't react like this, I havedriven cars with the abs off...Anyway I couldn't Find the option where i could turn it on/off. Thanks in advance
thanks i found the program. is it allowed to use this if i play online? and can someone please explain what the steerlock option does? It makes drifting too easy heh. Thanks in advance!
Hello, i am new into this game. I want to use lfs for some drifting, i have some IRL experience. I tried a few tips i found but with no success.
Can somebody please help me?
-I have a log g25, what is the best profiler+ingamesettings? ( i tried some i found... but it didn't feel real)
-i need a good car setup for the xrt, also is it okay to change the car skins?
i have a s14 kouki irl, is it possible to mod a car to act like mine/ or like a 300hp s14 with lsd atleast? or can I change all the stats of the car?maybe an sr20det engine sound?
-i found some good layouts so thats fine.
-i also have the dubmods live for drift edition, but it doesnt work with my g25, the wheel starts to live on its own, it's not in the center when going straight.. does it worth the effort to fix it or just stay with the real LFS?
Thanks in advance