I was 17 years young. We sat in an old Beetle in a traffic jam. The queue didn't move really fast, so our driver decided to start in fourth gear. After a few seconds you could smell the clutch. He aborted this experiment immediately, when the queue began to move faster ... but our car didn't go faster, even in first gear. We had to wait half an hour before we could move on. The clutch has been tortured (not even close to the redline!!!) with a 50bhp engine and we weren't able to move. Now, can you imagine, that a GT-car like the FZR (with its 490bhp) hasn't been made for those "adventures"? It's made for racing and for drivers who are aware of that. There aren't any heavy-duty clutches in racecars because they have to save weight and the drivers "usually" can handle it, like most of the racers in LFS who can handle the patch Y clutch.
When you really want to change sth., upload a replay and your setup. "Maybe" it improves your driving.