After careful and long review of the incident on System Lap 153 of 270 in the 2009 Kyoto 500, the administration has come to the following conclusion:
The incident involving cars 116 and 123 is deemed a RACING INCIDENT.
We make this decision considering the following factors:
Car 123 was holding a line in the third lane, but steering input and projected line was going to run higher later in the corner.
Car 116, from (add-inedit for clarification: Our look via mirrors, Car 116 did not show signs of lookleft) looking via mirrors, and looking left, would have seen what appeared to be Car 123 moving to the second lane, not staying in the third lane, therefore causing Car 116 to turn as he did. We note that Car 123 is starting to slide up in the lane moments before contact is made. The entire situation assessment time and reaction time available was approximately .3 of a second. We do not see any intention of Car 116 attempting to take out Car 123, we deem this as simply a misjudgment.
We do understand that Car 123 had sufficient overlap to hold his line, but we do also understand where Car 116 would have thought the chosen line was lower.
However, another factor into this decision were the occurrences from Lap 148 up until this incident.
On Lap 148, between Turns 1 and 2, Car 123 moves from Lane 2 to Lane 4 to Lane 3 to Lane 4 before turn 2. This is considered excessive blocking by 123.
On Lap 149, entering Turn 1, Cars 808 and 123 move inside of 116 to overtake. 116 and 808 make contact, Car 116 walks up the hill. Cars 123 and 116 make contact side-to-side for much of the straight between turns 1 and 2. This incident is also deemed a racing incident, but Car 808 should have left more space, because there was no intention shown of 123 overtaking inside, so there is no need seen to have stayed as high as was stayed.
We also consider the forces exerted on the cars in the Lap 153 incident. We see a higher than normal amount of force from 116, whereas we see a slightly lesser amount of force from Car 123. We take this as a sign of two things: Car 116 is exerting extra steering input to make the turn, or the car has lost some grip.
We saw more physical contact aggression from Cars 808 and 123 than from 116, and the first contact was a direct result of actions taken by the two Fragmaster cars.
In summary, both cars actions are deemed to have both played a significant role in the incident. Car 123 had plenty of room inside, but Car 116 should have taken a bit more care before turning in. Every administrator who reviewed this incident states that they would have turned in as Car 116 did in that case.
For the avoidable contact on the straight between Turn 1 and Turn 2 on the 149th lap, both drivers of Cars 116 and 123 are being placed on NDR Probation for the next 6 months, effective from the date of this posting. Please see the NDR sporting code for details on what Probation is. We do not tolerate unnecessary contact of the type we saw at this point, as well as the coinciding behavior, hence the probation.
Complaint against car 116 for taking me out in turn 3 lap 153.
In my opinion nomatter where i am at the track or turn, the outside car has to look where the inside car is before going low.
Same happen't with this car in lap 202 where he took out M.sutton.
I was really happy to be the 1st qualifier, but unfortunatly i can't join the race cause i'm invited to a familly barbecue wich i can't really refuse to go too. So i hope you guys have a very nice race and thanks for hosting it. I hope we get more oval events in the future.