The online racing simulator
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Demo licensed
Thes two pictures illustrate just how much brain we have lost, or rather, given away for external benefits. All that space-ship just to have fun like you had playing as a kid in grass.

Last edited by Marino109, .
This is Insane
Demo licensed
Dear All,

Let the picture speak for itself.

CKAS F1 6DOF Motion Simulator

Demo licensed
Quote from tom0900060 :LFS has been lacking of real progress and new features for years now, I don't see why the potential buyers would choose LFS over new sims like Assetto Corsa or Upcoming project cars etc.

I was thinking what would be a great new thing in LFS that would attract new people. Why wouldn't LFS become something like lol in terms of:
  • New graphical interface - Big lovely welcome screen with music and animation playing in background and log-in window.
  • LFS store - Instead of having two basic licences to buy, start off with one car only and add option to buy new cars, tracks, setups, skins with either real money or racing points.
  • New scoring system - like has. Everyone starts off with basic score, let's say 1000. Depending on whether you win or loose, your score goes up and down. You're always teemed up with players that share similar overall score (+-200). That would also prevent mixing tops with less experienced players. Also, in your overall score goes not only wins but how well you drive. How much you deviate from racing live, how often you crash, how consistent you are in racing, how safe you drive, etc.
  • New multiplayer system - similar to lol, but with cars and tracks instead of champions.
That would I think bring LFS on a higher level.