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S3 licensed
Does anyone still have some keys leftover? I'd take on please
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi : I simply don't have any confidence in the pcars devs ever getting the physics anywhere even close to a drivable state, given their previous track record with NFS Shift etc.

Were GTL, GTR2, GTR etc not good enough sims? Made by the same people
S3 licensed
Quote from JSHuiting :
Just imagine what would happen if the servers were filled with .. users.

One can dream
S3 licensed
Quote from John5200 :And when will you guys learn, that the ones doing 3D stuff and the one doing physics coding, GUI coding or rendering coding are ENTIRELY different persons (often even living on other sides of the planet). So yeah, they CAN work on physics while adding 3D content without hindering each other. It's not like one guy sitting there doing everything

I'm surprised that this has to be said over and over again. Seriously, it's so moronic that lots of people can't comprehend that.
S3 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :that looks almost worst than lfs,the track itself is identical to lfs graphics..

Good one
S3 licensed
MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident : 19:06
Lap and Location of Incident : 3rd lap, 1st corner
Your Car Number : #93
Other Car(s) Involved : #15
Brief Description of Incident: Passed us during the Safety Car
S3 licensed
Not going to happen

Heal SO4
Hurt AS5
S3 licensed
Session of Incident Race
UTC Time of Incident 19:23
Lap and Location of Incident Lap 13, before last corner
Your Car Number 93
Other Car(s) Involved 29
Brief Description of Incident Our car started to pass, #29 blocked so harshly that we both had to go on grass. 3 places were lost.
S3 licensed
A clip of LFS used in Force Dynamics (401C model?) ... TV+-+Rallisimulaator.aspx
S3 licensed
We as a community could take over CTRA.
S3 licensed
I know you guys are ambitious but your current track record shows nothing but inconsistency.
I would not be surprised if the servers went down in 15 days because someone in the team said something without thinking first.
S3 licensed
MadCat, would it be possible to add a little function to the file that when one does not have a G27 connected, the LFS would not just crash when entering the track?
S3 licensed
Hurt FOX
Heal RAC
S3 licensed
Heal RB4
Hurt FZR
S3 licensed
Very nice
S3 licensed
Interesting. I just dragged the files into the root folder, ran LFS and everything worked.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :i have made something in the [TI]insim (lapper library)

Requires a login.
S3 licensed
I would actually be a buyer of it. Now i just need to get myself an iOS device -.-
S3 licensed
Quote from Si Mclaren :CARS has good progress reports...
And bad physics...

Just choose... Lots of cars and tracks in a bad sim or a good sim with enough cars and tracks...

Scawen giving more frequent and more detailed progress reports doesn't automatically render LFS physics "bad".
S3 licensed
This is a proper progress report:
S3 licensed
Add me on PSN: PPriit

I need some friends so I can do remote b-spec races
S3 licensed
And they are in the process of getting the licenses.
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :The game aside, I'm a little uneasy about their 'WMD' business model. From what I gather, they are intending to have a community of programmers who *pay* for the privelege of writing games for them?

This smacks of the 'pay to play' crock-of-shit* that's been going through local music scenes throughout the world for years.

*Where bands have to pay a promoter for the 'privelege' of playing at their show, rather than the other way round

No, they have their own team of programmers and modelers etc (Slightly Mad Studios), but they let people invest in the project and share ideas, make decisions, eventually forming the game it will be released as.