I wonder if anybody has taken the time to download and play with bob's track builder (
http://www.bobstrackbuilder.net)? It's relatively new and still has a ways to go (as of right now it only lets you edit the track surface itself, not terrain or roadside objects yet - that is planned though), but it shows a lot of promise I think. It currently can export tracks compatible with RBR and rFactor. Does anybody else desire such a track builder for LFS? I've been a [very happy] LFS user for years, but one of the things I've really wanted is the ability to build tracks, primarily so that I could model local roads that I am familiar with - I think it would be a blast to drive around my town. I know the LFS team has stated they plan to release a track editor "after primary development is done", but they won't answer more specifically than that, and it could be many more years (if ever) before we actually see it. So I'm wondering what the odds might be that they would release enough details such that a third party (such as the aforementioned) could work on an editor, then we all would benefit and it wouldn't take the time of the LFS development team to prep their own builder for release. Seems like a win/win. Thoughts?
By the way I'm not affiliated in any way with this tool, I just think it is cool - having played with it, it's REAL easy to build tracks, and as I said it shows a lot of promise, and being a total LFS junkie it would be great to see it be compatible.