I told you in my comment already what the "link" is. Poor people who can't afford their license rent an account, pay rent (TC Cash) and with the excess they made they can eventually buy their NEW OWN license by selling their TC Cash to people like me. Eventually, a brand new paid license for you instead of no new licences cause some people can't afford it.
If you still don't get this and only see negative aspects of the abiliy of buying/selling/sending TC Cash I don't really feel like explaining anything further makes sense to a person who apparently can't imagine why people would even spend real money in something virtual.
Also it surprised me how you stopped my quote after "in fact", while actually "in fact, (...)" starts an addition with another point I made and I did not use it to say the first part of my sentence is a fact. Now this probably comes down to me not being a native english speaker, but I'm pretty sure you now realize what I was saying.
Very entertaining how long it took our Developer to understand why people pay real € for € in a virtual currency (TC Cash). This happens in pretty much every game with ingame currencies/values/items.
It has nothing to do with rented accounts - in fact, if accounts are rented and people earn TC Cash and sell it to other users to earn real money they can eventually buy their own, NEW LFS license (stonks for our bike-boy and Victor vV).
Also, since it's been mentioned wrong few times. 1€ is around 10.000 TC Cash and not 1.000.
Greetings from the Cash Dealer on [TC] (Total TC Cash sold: 10,008,886 for 993.84 €)