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Quote from duke_toaster :Tomas, if there are cans of worms around can you actually leave them in the cupboard rather than open them?

Quote from diablo21 :That was... out of place...?

Meh..won´t get into arguments that won´t be resolved and are out of the scope of the thread Just some facts (I think they are:razz

1 Spanish language is/comes from Spain.
2 There are more people outside of Spain that speak Spanish as a native language
3 Latinamerica is commonly used to describe/refer to spanish speaking countries in the American continent (why?? dunno..but it´s like that:really
4 The terms America and american are mostly accepted/known to the European community as a reference to USA and their citizens
5 The developer thought it could be useful to "tropicalize/localize" the text of the sim
***Which I think it´s good and would serve to many purposes....more people in Latinamerica will be reached, even in the USA, Latinamerican born people living there, are now the biggest minority group...that´s why the Latino term is now everywhere***

I don´t like the Español Latino term as well...I would personally prefer Español americano, but maybe it would be confusing to some English speaking communities and maybe it wouldn´t be accepted by some Spanish speaking communities

Having said that and if needed, I also volunteer to collaborate with Neto & Rigun to try to make a good neutral translation of the text file

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomas Miranda :Then, some words can change in all that (more than) 550 years, but the original language is the one that the Spain land talk.

Nobody is denying where the language came from just that it has evolved here in LatinAmerica....Spain population is 45~ million, spanish speaking people (as a native language) population is around 460 the math

Quote from Tomas Miranda :and Latins must adapt their language in order to play LFS and anything in Spain.

that´s wrong , LFS is on the correct path trying to adapt the language to target population...and as MaKaKaZo stated, I don´t think it will be good to eliminate the spain spanish version....just have 2 versions..Español & Español Latino or Español Americano (but that one would conflict with "the common english & european idea" that America is only USA:razz

Quote from Tomas Miranda :any word that they invented, because that words aren't correct.

Many of the words "invented" here in America, are not only approved by the "Real Academia de la Lengua Española" but make more sense all around..we say computadora to a computer (PC), you call it ordenador (maybe derived from french¿?), check their site, they talk about "americanismos" and they revise them and incorporate them to the Spanish language so IT CAN EVOLVE... ... tada4?ReadForm&menu=4


First flag
S2 licensed
Victor without a doubt....the FIRST ONE. The colors and the mexican eagle eating a snake on top of a NOPAL growing in the middle of a lake (where Mexico city was built) are the correct ones.

The other one looks more like an item for children´s homework. It only has variations in color and less detail on the drawings (mainly the eagle´s feathers). Still it is our flag and if you used it problem.

Now that you found the correct one (1st flag) it would be better to use that
S2 licensed
Quote from joen : What Mr. Muh suggested was not releasing any test patches for months because it could be incompatible.

Because W was the "first" incompatible..we experienced a "community division"...fair enough, if people want to test it can do 2 installs..etc..(I did )...the effect though, was a division of versions

Quote : That's the wrong way of thinking IMO, it hinders progress. I think Scawen is able to work more effectively when he receives bug reports before releasing the official patch, which in the end makes it a better, more stable patch. Development progress should lead the way, not backwards compatibility.

+1 on this...I agree and support testing and reporting..and also good debates from a live community !!! ......come Y maybe we´ll spread again in 2 versions...maybe not...for me as long as the sim gets better keep on the good work ScaViEr
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :uhm, holding off progress to avoid people using different patches? what a silly way of thinking. people can always use two LFS installs, one to test new patches and one using the latest official patch. This sim is a work in progress so you can expect things like that.

hrmmm..fairly new to LFS, but I don´t think it´s about holding off progress...this was an incompatible patch, 2 different (incompatible) kind of clients and servers..
IMHO some people would like the "latest version"...others will prefer the "stable version" ..server owners would choose the version they wanted, but AFAI remember..we could see all servers..

don´t know if it happened with S1=>S2 or another versions...just know what happened from Sep06 to date...anyways waiting for X
S2 licensed
Thank you very much ....will try it as soon as I can ....not very good with graphics though
S2 licensed
Thanks Fel , this is what i was looking for
There was a short explanation about the process so I can use that in other cars, do you remember the post or where I can find it

Polished Aluminum base for skin
S2 licensed
Hi, I want to make my skins, and I read and saw somewhere a base skin to give polished aluminum finish to the cars...can anybody help me ? I did a search already and couldn´t find it....thnx