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[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
No, but when he tried to let you go, you pulled him back - by headlocking him with your legs...

You enjoyed it you tart - admit it.

Edit: Almost forgot...

Ben's "dance" every time the outside lights went off. So should have got that on video. Hysterical.
Last edited by [SR] Keith, .
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
I may be one of the guilty "aggressive" drivers in the Enduro.

In my defence, I was punted off on the first lap which left me nearly a lap down right from the start, so I had to drive like a bit of a nutter just to catch up...

And being in a team with legends like Pete and Dave (StormCloud), I so didn't want to let the side down, so once I caught up with the pack, I came over all Senna and if I saw a gap I went for it. My motto became "if I caught you, I'm faster than you. So GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!"

It was me arox ran over btw. He actually drove up my right arm (I have a wound on my elbow where he made the contact and was amazed my arm wasn't broken as it had the full weight of his kart on it at one point) and down my left hand (I almost went to the docs yesterday because I thought my finger might be broke - hurt like hell!). Yeah, I wasn't at ALL happy at the time!

To echo what others have said though - in person arox was a lovely guy. Genuinely. I'm starting the campaign right now "Free Arox!"

I do apologise to anybody I might have annoyed when driving like a lunatic to make up for lost time. I only got black-flagged once though, for, as Dave put it "an erm... optimistic pass" at the laguna seca corner. :whistle:

By my second stint though, all thoughts of aggressive driving were gone. I think I was whimpering round ever corner and seriously thought about pitting early in order not to die of pure ow. To actually come second after such a bad start, the black flag and my last stint being one big long cry I'm well pleased with (big thanks must go to Pete and Dave for that - who were awesome throughout )

The after party was awesome too.

Some highlights for me:
All of it!
Meeting people again/for the first time.
Actually getting to stay and get drunk this year.
Dan's one-man rave.
Taking the piss out of the guys on the live chat.
Just watching the antics of TVE/Ben (I think they should get married and have children)
Not being able to beat Franky at pool when I really shoulda!
Drinking slivovivovivovivicich(?) and swapping stories with Ben, derbutz, Bruce, the Swedes Andy (SKOL!) and Mike (got home in time for the delivery \o/ Congrats!!! Boy would your life have been hell if you'd missed it "to go karting with your mates" :schwitz, and others in the "Welsh Air" (rain to you guys) - very interesting, funny and top guys all.
Tongey's BBQ
And so much more - Yeah - all of it.

Awesome karting, awesome group of people, awesome time.

Thank you to everyone for coming and making it such a success.

Finally, a massive, massive thank you to my li'l brother Jason - I'm sure I don't need to tell you guys how much effort he puts into these. I don't compliment him often (big brother - duh!), but credit where credit's due - You're a legend our kid.

Can't wait for next year.
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :
My only problem is that all to often, those that actually drive stupidly (ignoring blue flags, entering track infront of the leaders, not leaving near enough room etc) are the ones that get away with it while those who turn up to race and end up doing something daft because they get angry, are the ones that have to suffer.

If this happens, ask for an SR admin to watch them.

Even if no SR racer/admin is on the track at the time, members of the admin team quite often observe the race (and chat) via LFS Remote, so if we see something or something in the chat indicates there might be a problem, we can do something about it (even if it's only telling them to "Please drive carefully, you are being watched" - coming from an 'invisible' voice in the sky, that can be quite effective - and a bit unnerving. )

We're not on all the time, so don't expect a response necessarily, but it's worth bearing in mind.

Failing that, again, the reporting system on our website is your best bet - I know it's not as 'instant' as immediate action, but think of it as cleaning up the servers one bad racer at a time.

The moral there is, "Don't get angry, and if you do, don't do anything daft."
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
Troll noun
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Well Ziggy, I would have banned the other dude who cut across the grass to hit off this dude. Revenge wrecking may be selfish but if you have to do it in order to get a clean race out then hey, so be it.

Well I tell you what...

Why don't YOU buy/hire a couple of servers out of your own pocket, form a team, create a website and build up enough goodwill to recruit other racers who will give up their own free time to help you administer reports and such... and then perhaps you can talk.

As it is, Zeug and the other guys do a fantastic job of providing as good an experience as possible on servers which are full almost 24/7. As has been said already, only a handful of the team have been given Admin and banning rights for those servers, and these guys do this in their spare time, so credit where credit's due and let's not troll about how you would do it sooo much better - because until you do, you're all talk frankly.

As for revenge wrecking - it comes down to this... We don't want it on OUR servers. Ours. Paid for by us out of our own pockets. Understand?

Do it and there's a very good chance you will get banned, end of story. Don't like that, you know what to do. Wrecking WILL get the wrecker banned If an admin sees it and/or IF YOU REPORT IT*. We make every effort to be fair and timely in our response, so you have no-one to blame but yourself if you don't follow the procedures we've put in place to ensure the cleanest, fairest servers we can possibly make them.

*the reporting system is hosted on our website because they're our servers. We don't have any moderation control over the LFS forum, so it's only right and proper that the reporting system (with the attendant bandwith usage and uploading of replays storage) be on our website and forum too. Let's not forget - at the end of the day, you are on OUR servers as a guest at our expense. You're more than welcome to use any other servers if you don't like the way ours are run...

Now, how's about instead of bitching about any server not being just about perfect in every conceivable way, you actually give a little bit of thanks for someone/anyone in the community prepared to provide you biatches with somewhere to race and actually make an effort to administer the server and process reports at all...?

That's better. You're welcome.
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
Quote from JPeace :jason, i know llandow peeps v well, just ask if u need some help ok?

Just tell them that customers with lots of money are a GOOD THING. That's right - customers + money = good. Being unhelpful, obstructive and totally unwilling to come to any kind of agreement = bad.

We really tried with them, but I personally have never encountered any business so determined to put its customers off.

We asked for the track for the day. They said, fine - back in September - and even quoted us a price. Then when we went to confirm and put down the deposit, they acted like we had just burned down their house. Woman couldn't even find the email SHE had sent us or our original. Then they said if we bring our own karts, provided our own health and safety officers, do our own risk assessment and coughed up for our own insurance, we could hire the track (and just the track). We said, no, we'd like to hire your whole centre, karts, officials, the lot - for a whole day... How much? They said - you can book an arrive and drive or ONE endurance event (40 minutes track time per driver). We said no, we want to hire your whole centre for the whole day... How much? They said, no, we could do arrive and drive or ONE endurance event... We gave up...
Last edited by [SR] Keith, .
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
Well they won't be able to drink, obviously.

I'm not sure what the legal position of under 18s meeting up with some people from the internet is (quite dodgy, I imagine), so perhaps we should print out parental consent forms or something...
Last edited by [SR] Keith, .
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
Quote from STROBE :
I take it for the purposes of labelling people? I've already started to do that yesterday, and got most people done but embarassingly got stuck when it came to a lot of the [SR] team - sorry guys!

We're all wearing our team shirts, so from left to right:

Ken O (KayJay), Jason L (JasonL220), Jason M (Turkey - in the red shirt and shades), Mark M, Andrew L (at the back) and Keith M (the baldy at the back)
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
It was a great meet. I had a bad qualifying session, but a really good race - thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks to 'Bob' for organising everything and thanks to everyone else for making it such a fun day/weekend.
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
I couldn't follow the technical details of what muhaa was saying either - and poorly written English annoys me no end...

However - in this case the CONTENT of what muhaa is saying is far more important than his spelling and grammar, so please stop picking on the presentation of his posts and concentrate on the fact that the guy is trying to help the development of LFS by pointing out an exploitable bug - or would you all rather he didn't bother and down the line some trojan worked its way into YOUR system because YOUR pettiness chased guys like him away? :rolleyes:
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
Depends whether you think Becky having a rant is important
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
'etiquette' only has three 't's
[SR] Renders
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
All renders by Theo Laas

[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
That implies a modicum of common sense and intelligence though - rare commodities on t'internet
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
The new Sonicrealms Racing website is now live.

The Sonicrealms Racing server is now available for public use. It will occasionally be used for private team events, but for the most part will be public.

To report any problems or to suggest track changes, contact any member of the [SR] team.
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
I had the same problems and, in addition, my times last night weren't recorded (and I got multiple PBs :mad. Please tell me all that wasn't for nothing
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
Hi all

I had my first experience of LFS online yesterday. I hadn't played the demo all that much, but had a go with the Fox at AS Club on my brother's license (offline - he wouldn't let me mess up his online times ).

I have to give a massive thank you to ZWR-Troy; he (she?) gave me an excellent introduction to LFS online, was very friendly and patient, allowing me to trail him round the circuit, pointing out braking points and the like. Top person

However, I also experienced the flipside of LFS online when more racers came online. I don't mind coming off when I make a mistake, but too often, it seemed, I was taken out by drivers who showed no consideration to others.

At one point I was doing really well in 2nd place and I noticed a driver parked on the chicane. Looking at the list I noticed they weren't an active racer. When I approached, the driver accelerated straight into me, ruining my race. They then immediately disconnected...

Overall I did thoroughly enjoy the experience, but these wreckers did threaten to ruin it for me.

However, I will perservere and hopefully I can be competitive soon.
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
[SR] Keith
S2 licensed
Quote from Cropsy :There is not enough interest to start this team, I'm not going to go through with it. Plus I have rejoined itek.

Looks like [SR] will be the only official 'Welsh' team then...

(new trainee driver )