I may be one of the guilty "aggressive" drivers in the Enduro.
In my defence, I was punted off on the first lap which left me nearly a lap down right from the start, so I had to drive like a bit of a nutter just to catch up...
And being in a team with legends like Pete and Dave (StormCloud), I so didn't want to let the side down, so once I caught up with the pack, I came over all Senna and if I saw a gap I went for it. My motto became "if I caught you, I'm faster than you. So GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!"
It was me arox ran over btw. He actually drove up my right arm (I have a wound on my elbow where he made the contact

and was amazed my arm wasn't broken as it had the full weight of his kart on it at one point) and down my left hand (I almost went to the docs yesterday because I thought my finger might be broke - hurt like hell!). Yeah, I wasn't at ALL happy at the time!
To echo what others have said though - in person arox was a lovely guy. Genuinely. I'm starting the campaign right now "Free Arox!"
I do apologise to anybody I might have annoyed when driving like a lunatic to make up for lost time. I only got black-flagged once though, for, as Dave put it "an erm... optimistic pass" at the laguna seca corner. :whistle:
By my second stint though, all thoughts of aggressive driving were gone. I think I was whimpering round ever corner and seriously thought about pitting early in order not to die of pure ow. To actually come second after such a bad start, the black flag and my last stint being one big long cry I'm well pleased with (big thanks must go to Pete and Dave for that - who were awesome throughout

The after party was awesome too.
Some highlights for me:
All of it!
Meeting people again/for the first time.
Actually getting to stay and get drunk this year.
Dan's one-man rave.
Taking the piss out of the guys on the live chat.
Just watching the antics of TVE/Ben (I think they should get married and have children)
Not being able to beat Franky at pool when I really shoulda!
Drinking slivovivovivovivicich(?) and swapping stories with Ben, derbutz, Bruce, the Swedes Andy (SKOL!) and Mike (got home in time for the delivery \o/ Congrats!!! Boy would your life have been hell if you'd missed it "to go karting with your mates" :schwitz

, and others in the "Welsh Air" (rain to you guys) - very interesting, funny and top guys all.
Tongey's BBQ
And so much more - Yeah - all of it.
Awesome karting, awesome group of people, awesome time.
Thank you to everyone for coming and making it such a success.
Finally, a massive, massive thank you to my li'l brother Jason - I'm sure I don't need to tell you guys how much effort he puts into these. I don't compliment him often (big brother - duh!), but credit where credit's due - You're a legend our kid.
Can't wait for next year.