Well, the idea is not a police bar.. but light engine.. and the oppertunity to USE lights, adjust them.. and add whatever you want to the car.. it's too cheap with ONLY textures as lightmaps... And the night-time racing... well, it's not a Night-time game.. but a modification.. or just the Oppertunity to DO so... Should be implented in my opinion... There are so many modifications to the game already.. just implement a light-engine... From there people can create unlimited modifications to the mods already in place for this game... It's a fun game, and there are so many gamemodes to choose from... Why not just make it a bit more flexible so that the fans playing, and paying could take a part in forming and encourage to more players.. and more genres in this genious Live For Speed game
Well, i hope they create a night-mode next time then Would be great...And hopefully many new users I know alot who will be willing to play it, if theres a more real-life feel to it weather-night time driving-lights.. =) We can only hope.. and hope that they read this from time to time
Look at the image.. of course! Admins could allow/diable the skins this option is attached to!
For example.. the FX0 can use the Police.jpg skin, whitch calls the fxopolice.txt.. that txt file enables the option.. Well, now the admins could disable the call function of the txt file. for an example
an easy enable/disable Lights options on advanced skins button could be applied to the Server creation screen ?
Once upon a time, i created a modification, cooperating with the creators.. for Street Legal Racing REDLINE.. and we made the lights much better. and a modified lightbar was created to add upon cars ingame. The cars could Not use the lightbar unless they had a skin called Cop.png.. The game then executed pngcop.txt whitch made the program execute the additional Options for that specific car.. then again.. adding the bar was possible.. The bar contained 4 light object whitch could be painted to glow the color it was painted in.. And the lights glowed two and two.. leftside -> rightside.. and this option was only used by ppl who wanted it.. So it was not an MUST.. that annoyed ppl.. only the ones who wanted it.. used it The freedom to choose Right ?
Well, as i stated.. the meaning was not flashing lights.. unless using a police skin.. who does a race with a police skin.. unless its a Cop&Robber game ?.. Well.. the meaning would be to give the head and taillights a facelift.. with more realistic lights. Glowmaps.. and for the ones who play on different servers.. cars using a police skin.. could be able to enable special options regarding that skin. to add more lights and colors to them. Agree?
well, the possability to use another more flexible light engine.. gives the racing simulator more realistic feel. With real lights. and other light objects.. imo of course.. and that also, means that ppl actually creating mods to the game. have a little more flexibility with light's ingame,... and in future mods/skins.
imo it would be a great lift to the game
Lol actually.. This picture is meant on the Cops&Robbers server lol.. on other servers.. well, headlights and taillights would be the only neon sign you'll see
Also. it could be implented in a external skin file..when you opened for example Police.jpg ingame.. it would also open a Police.txt file, which enabled the lights options in the garage? .. so the player could chose the extra lights on the car..
It would only be as easy as this..
Upgraded Lightsystems, removed the headlight texture, and taillight texture. adding a glowlight instead of texture
also added options for policeskins, to add extra policelights on cars running a policeskin.
I want to have a light engine ingame. That can create a flashing light, visible in mirrors, and actually on shadows.. like for example the lights in nfs?. On the roof, and in the frontgrille. and maybe in the backwindows.. Or just the ability to modify the gamemodels myself, to use a lightening engine.. Because i don't think that is implented in the 3d engine yet ?. since the headlights and rearlights are just textures..
What are the odds that the game can be improved with light capabilities.. so the user can add modified light objects to a model, or to the car itself ingame.. Add custom light objects, with 16k or 256k color chart ? .. Would be nice.. im currently on a Cops&Robbers server, and i'd love to see some flashings lights in my mirror when chased. I don't know what 3D engine this game runs on.. but it seems very smooth.. so therefore i guess there would be a chance to add this feature At least.. i hope for an answer