happy to see that there is still activity, havent been "online" in around 8 years but still checks in from time to time to check if there is a new update..
Looking forward to put the wheel to use again, still miss the good old days of lfs.
loved them, but if i should have commed with some critismes Witch aint allowed the "logo" mabe is a little low, when you see the pictures from the side it looks like the logo and the cars are crashing.. just a tip next time you get request like this
Well as they say, Just start over and this time you can make it even better
Maybe you saved it after you removed the lyt or something or maybe it deleted it self but good luck and next time save with 2 files
That problem sometimes occurs when the g.Card gets hot, try another game and see if the same happens or mabe you can try and downloading a new driver for your card. (i have had this problem before and then it have been my g. card.
bad english here also.
tried translate it in google translate: sadly i dont understand finsk so i dont know if its way of course but mabe it helps you
Tämä ongelma esiintyy joskus kun g.Card kuumenee, kokeile toista peli ja katso jos sama tapahtuu tai mabe voit kokeilla ja ladata uuden ajurin kortille. (Minulla on ollut tämä ongelma ennen ja sitten se on minun g. kortti.)
This was a good post just as i would have sad it my self..
Have now had a unfair break from lfs and i miss the tracks and the fun driving with other drivers. tried some Grid on ps3 just to play some driving game but its not the same as driving lfs.
Even to i "miss" some update we must not forget as Ingolf says its we the community how keep the game alive
The first thing that shoot me when i saw this movie was "amateurish" i got the felling that the movie was made by a guy that filmed this whit is friend driving, if you had lowed the quality of the movie whit some effect.. the movie would have been good
Checked the date on the last post? I tink you would get bether answere if you sendt an pm to yamakawa, but uf you check his profile you will se that he was Last Activity: 10th November 2009 12:38 so i dont think it will be released :/
Sorry but my spanish aint that good but i will try:
Este no es un error, pero es algo que los desarrolladores no han tomado todavía. Hay otras cosas que son importantes antes de fijar las pequeñas cosas como esta.
Did the Harddrive crash to or just some internal components? if the harddrive is intact you could connect it to another pc and save your work saves alott of time
but starting at scrath may be a good thing then you could correct the tings you didnt like
Edit: the lights glass looks a little Bright, and to be honest the stripes looks terrible.. no offence but it seems like the stripes are lying on the inside of the glass but otherwise good
I dont tink you will find one that only have lfsvideos the reason is that lfs is "to small" i mean its easier to upload them to youtube\viemo and sites like that and post them here.. there where a lfsvideos site but it is now closed..
If you are looking for videos Youtube and Viemo is the best place