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S3 licensed
Really great videos guys! Thanks for posting them, I enjoyed watching them big time!
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :I hope you can turn the visible steering wheel off...I already have one in front of me, I dont want to see another.

yes you can.
S3 licensed
I guess the bottom line is very simple: I am free to do whatever I want to do with my money and if that means subscribing to iRacing then so be it. I also understand and respect the opinions that it is expensive for what it provides at this point, compared with LFS/CTRA. But subscribing to iRacing would not make me an "iRacing fanboy" who suddenly sees all the other sims as "games".
And the comments about iRacing being there for the money - do you think that the LFS devs are not? Everyone needs to have money to put food on the table. iRacing has chosen a particular business model, that's all. But it is _us_ who will decide whether it will be a success or not. With our wallets.

Last edited by shockman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from T.Kaneda :
How long are races usually?

Depends on what license you have. With the Class D license, the races are around 30 minutes long.
S3 licensed
OK, lots of opinions, I will add mine if you don't mind

Concerning feel: definitely good, but nkPro and LFS are already very good and I did not expect anything less from iRacing. One thing to mention probably is the force feedback strength as it changes a lot from car to car. The possible settings are from -100 to 100 and I have it currently set to 15 (Red Momo). While in Pontiac you can feel "some" strength, that car has a power steering so it is definitelly a lot weaker at the same ff setting as eg in a Legends Car or Radical. Put the force feedback strength to 50 or higher and in the Radical the wheel _will_ take your fingers off . But in the end, it is all you would expect from a great sim. At one point I was switching between LFS and iRacing, just to see where is the difference, and I have to say, if you are happy with LFS as is, then the price tag for iRacing is probably not worth it.

Graphics wise, I was not blown away. Yes, the tracks are nice and bumpy, but that has more to do with the level of physics simulation than what you see. I would say, it is probably slightly better than nk2k3, but IMHO has unreasonably high requirements for the hardware. LFS in my book looks better, but then again - how would you measure that It is a personal opinion.

Configurability is pathetic in comparison with LFS. You are at this moment limited to basically exactly the same settings as in nk2k3, whether talking about display or controller settings. Eg. for the cockpit view, only FOV is adjustable, nothing else (as was already mentioned before in this thread).

There were a lot of negative comments about the online part of the iRacing. This is what appeals to me a lot. I like the scheduling of the races and the fact that whenever you race online, you score points, and all this adds to your possition in a particular race series. I never really had a time to commit myself seriously to a racing league, because all was then "prescheduled" which was sometimes a problem for me. With this system I can take the qualification and a race separately when I have the time to do it. Also, the incident system makes you think about what you do on the track, so from my experience, everybody on the track behaves with more responsibility.
Concerning pings, I usually had pings around 130ms to the server, but I never experienced lag or really bad warping during races. For me, this is a non issue.

Also, a LOT of things will be missing at the launch, and I know that this would discourage a lot of people, especially if all this "missing stuff" comes as a hefty price tag. To this, I really do not know what to say. One has to make the decision for himself/herself. The first release of LFS had also plenty of features missing and it did not stop all of us having plenty of fun.

Will I subscribe? Probably yes.
Last edited by shockman, .
S3 licensed
Hi everyone,
I will gladly join the fun, if I can make it home on time.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the racing guys! Even if I was more towards the backend of the grid, I enjoyed myself. Unfortunatelly, during the second race, my shifter started to malfunction, I was not able to drive a lap without mishifts or wrong gears. In the end, I rather discoed, as I was more thinking about what is happening with my shifter than the race . So I had to retire with a real mechanical failure.
S3 licensed

So as far as I am concerned, the qualifying starts at 20:00 CEST.
Last edited by shockman, .
S3 licensed
If there is still a place on the grid available, I would like to give it a shot. I will be probably too slow for the front runners, but a 20 lap race on SO Long can be interesting anyway.
S3 licensed
Well, there are some interesting points mentioned in this thread. I think that the stage system is really only good for getting new people interested in LFS. As Scawen said, they need to get rid of the Alpha tag, for obvious reasons, as the general public will perceive LFS in a different light then.
But in my opinion, we could completely disregard the stage system. I mean, it is nice for the version tracking, but apart from that... I seem to recall Scawen mentioning the fact, that we are not paying for versions, but for the content. And quite honestly, the content is one of the major conditions to attract new licenses. Scawen is working hard on the code, releasing a lot of patches since the initial S2 Alpha release. But from Eric we got "only" BF1, albeit for free. I can only speculate on this, but I would be surprised if there would NOT be some extra content ready for the release by Eric. So my question is, why the LFS release "system" could not be done simply by Eric releasing his stuff "off sync" with Scawen? Off course, it comes down to "paying" more often, but maybe in smaller amounts. This way, we could have been already at for example S5X, with steady flow of new content, and with a steady flow of cash for the devs.
But then again, I am sure the devs know exactly what they are doing, and they have their arguments for the way they are working/releasing stuff, which I do not want to question at all.
Last edited by shockman, .
S3 licensed
I am using manual clutch already for some time. And one thing is for sure - it does not make you faster, although you can have a better feeling while racing. Heel-toe is also beautiful when you practise it a bit. Speed wise, I am more prone to mis-shifts, as in the heat of a race it is very easy to release the clutch sooner than the gear "clicks" into position (with ACT shifter). Also, during the starts I am painfully slow, as usually I engage fist gear, and keep the clutch pressed. But releasing it can never be as fast as releasing a button...(or maybe I am just really crappy at it ).
S3 licensed
Quote from boosterfire :
just to add a bit to my argument. Let's say that there are 40 people present on a said server. Somebody commits an act that "could" get him banned, but it's hard to tell; people have to choose what they want to do with it. There are 40 people on the server, 21 vote against ban, 19 vote for it. There you go, banned, the system is flawed. I don't care whatever other people will say, the fact remains that this system is wrong, it doesn't take in consideration what a majority will say.

Well, I do not think that all the people on a particular server need to vote to kick/ban someone simply because not everyone can see the incident that triggered the vote in the first place. How could I vote to ban/kick someone when I was driving on the other side of the track?
S3 licensed
I don't understand this ongoing obsession with "LFS is too expensive!". I mean, how much money do people spend on other things that are also just for fun, like going out to drink a beer or to have a dinner in a nice restaurant? If I would compare that with the amount of fun LFS already provided to me, I think that those 24 pounds was a steal of a decade! Yes, I also bought GTL for 20 Euros, and I played it for a week, and that was that. So, yes, it was less than LFS S2, but it costed me at least 2 Euros per day I played GTL . So was it really cheaper then?
I can only say, that if the devs will decide, that before S3, there will be S2.1 for another 12 pounds, I will not hesitate for one second to pay for it because I know it is well worth the money.
S3 licensed
I think in my case it was one of those early 0.04 versions or so. I have to say, I don't remember exactly WHEN it happened. I was browsing though the Racing Legends forum (so you see, it was really long time ago ) and someone mentioned it there. I tried the demo with a mouse, and was immediately blown away by the natural movement of the cars. At that time, everything except GPL sucked so LFS was a very nice surprise. The rest is history.
S3 licensed
I already had a great online league race with BF1, and sure it was a lot of fun. No crashes or pileups. So it is definitelly possible to have a good race with BF1. The main point why it is not used, is in my opinion that right now it is the worst sounding car of them all.
S3 licensed
I don't think you need any sort of unpacking. It is an exe file, so just place it in the LFS directory, double click it, and just press OK.

Edit: Your filesize seems to be correct - 1 040 567 B. Sorry mate, no idea what can be wrong here.
Last edited by shockman, .
S3 licensed
Well, braking is most effective when done in a straight line, so you should do most of your braking that way. Whether you trailbrake or not depends on lot of things, one of them is setup, other one is whether you use heel&toe for downshifts or not. At least in my case, it made me to rethink my driving technique.
S3 licensed
I can only agree that the soundtracks in LFS are truly great. I have been watching some replays with that music in the background, and boy it just fits in so nicely! The music is really great.

I guess it would be too much to ask to have some new soundtrack for the next release of LFS?
S3 licensed
Quote from arco :Here's a great video of Dirk Shoysmann in a Nissan Skyline doing his 10.000th lap on the Nordschleife. You even get his comments during the lap about various parts of the track. ... issan+skyline&pl=true

Yes, Dirk Schoysman knows what he is talking about...

And I would have NO problem whatsoever to pay premium price to get Nordschleife in LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from whendrix :illepallObviously you never had the joy of experiencing the Nordschleife.

amen to that.
S3 licensed
And shown on the F08 steering wheel points to some publisher of religious art .
S3 licensed
User configureable dashboards? And indeed it looks like the lamps on the second Day 3 picture are on.
Devs are really enjoying this - and so am I!
S3 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :Yes, that would be a nice birthday present for me.

yes, for me as well
.. here we go again
S3 licensed
Before S2 Alpha was released, "everyone" was posting threads about "we need progress reports, S2 release, cheaper fuel, cleaner environment, peace in the world...etc". As soon as the Devs released S2 Alpha, the forums were full of praise, everybody was suddenly happy. And now it happens all over again - "we need this, we need that...", and I am sure everyone will shut up as soon as S2 Final will be available. It is so predictable, I guess the Devs have to be already enjoying this :-).
S3 licensed
Hello everyone,

the idea of tests has some positive points. Not much, but some. First of all, I think that there is enough material on the internet which explains the basics of driving. That's how I did it when I started with GPL 6 years ago. And NO test will get rid of wreckers, as they may pass them easily and ruin the races anyway. And no 5 minute test can teach you what some people learn for months or years. I am no "world champion" and it took me a while to get used to the driving style needed to race a car. Yes, I know, practice offline, learn the stuff and then take a 5 min test, but then you have a question of, WHAT that test should be about to be able to really test your abilities. In the end, the LFS userbase would suffer as a lot of people would be discouraged by such system. And for sure nobody wants devs to have lower income just because of some general racing test right?
AFAIK, the only solution here is to join a decent league. In any league people are motivated to have a good race, naturally, mistakes happen as in any type of competition, but more/less everyone know what he/she is doing. Public servers are gonna be what they are - public. You will never know against whom you are gonna be driving. I still remember the old days of GPL, where everyone knew how to drive a race car, but still there was a wreck in T1 in almost every pickup race. But, nobody was raising the question of "lets have a test here", because in this case, it was about patience... And that cannot be "tested" so easily
In the end, may be I am wrong, but that is how I see this question of tests.
