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S3 licensed
Quote from Viperakecske :BC is the sign of weakness

Or not, for those of us who are older, who hit WR with AC is weak because it is not the person who is changing gears, but a program or macro Wink
S3 licensed
Daniel = lazy
S3 licensed
the reporting problems for me has been fixed, thanks for the support
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :If you set the control to keyboard and then use your keyboard arrow keys to steer left and right it raises and lowers the Brake balance.

Not sure if its like this in previous versions as i usually use a wheel, but just reproduced what this guy has experienced

only in this latest version, in others released before 7c this did not happen
S3 licensed
I'm on 0.7c, I recorded a brief replay for you to see. the 0.7b2 version I was on before didn't have this.

in the replay I just turned the car, without having pressed at least the f10 key to adjust the brake distribution
Last edited by lucasazedo, .
S3 licensed
something went wrong in this patch. now it is no longer possible to race with Fbm, fox, f08 and any other car that has brake adjustment on the track, because whoever uses the arrows as a directional to guide the car is constantly lowering the % of the brake and stabilizer bar.

return this function and pitstop instructions and adjustments after pressing ctrl pls Frown
S3 licensed
o mod ficou muito bom, creio que o motor deveria ter um leve a juste e por os pneus cooper cobra nele 230/40 14 original de epoca
S3 licensed
Quote from mcmustang :I and many others seem to have problem with patch updater

same problem here
S3 licensed
Fala com o Jorge, ele tinha as skin da nismo clássica, branca com rosa, com números e patrocinador e tudo mais
S3 licensed
Hello Victor, now it's working normally, thank you very much Smile
Lfs World with problem
S3 licensed
I am not able to access the lfs world, every time he says that the password is incorrect, this with any of my users, I have already changed the password and even then the error persists
S3 licensed
Hello Wizard, how are you? thanks for the time dedicated to helping me Smile. One I got because it is more current, now Marus setup is really rare Frown
Setup Bl1 Marus or Lefty
S3 licensed
Olá corredores como estão?

estou procurando essas duas configurações, Marus ou Lefty para xfg - bl1. se alguem o tiver me ajude por favor


Keymaster Ya right

Hello runners how are you?

I'm looking for these two setups, from Marus or Lefty for xfg - bl1. if someone has help me please


Keymaster Ya right
S3 licensed
something I think I could have in the next versions of lfs is this here that has in 0.5f2


Thumbs upRofl
S3 licensed
simple to know that it was it, the lfspro server uses the same characteristics of the server here as the lfs. It's a pity a Brazilian player to win the trust of the developer and use to take advantage and not to help the game, because that's what he did advantage of the situation.
S3 licensed
Quote from MicroSpecV :@Scawen/Dev Team

Hmm, any comment on this? Has been in the brewing for quite a while, as Lewis said - wasn't going to be a good plan from the start.

Any actions to be taken for future updates, like a more stringent check between the master server <> LFS copy, or IP blocking him from accessing the LFS webpage (to prevent downloading of a copy of LFS, and hence potential cracking)?
Might seem too excessive, I'm just giving my opinion, heh.

I certainly hope that LFS will be crack-proof for next patches.. or at least in the future.

Rout's evidence seems undeniably solid... and ridiculous from Skinzinho; Reseller or not. Nice catch, Rout.
I smell another BrLok coming...

Has Skinzinho been banned yet?

there is already BRlok so to speak, because lfspro is Brazilian.
S3 licensed
thank you Scawen. you are awesome Big grin
S3 licensed
is the main or what one uses to create, I did some test with another already prepared for the lfs
S3 licensed
is used something like the cheat engine, they search such value and modify
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from JackSun :You fail to understand my point. I am not in the least bit concerned if you are faster than me or not. The issue is you have used cheats on a server, that is the only reason I have banned you. You have even admitted it yourself "to amuse yourself". Did you not read the rules of the server or the EULA of LFS, it is not acceptable to use cheats for any reason. You used a cheat you got banned. You no longer have any respect from any decent minded driver. As for a challenge I'm quite sure you would beat me, but I will not knowingly entertain anyone who has cheated in a game for whatever reason.

Funny you already banned others ... saying the same thing.
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :I agree! I even got banned once or twice only for racing but shortcutting some apexes, gaining some several seconds.

BTW, why to cheat? What is the motive? I do understand partially if too poor for not obtaining product, but cheating inside of product? to get faster? what is the reward?

I've never used to be faster than someone in a race. You even know because I've already spent several hotlap
S3 licensed
Quote from JackSun :Of course I accept there are many better drivers than me. I am fairly average at best.
What you did was use cheats to get good times, I have replays as do many others of you using a hack that allowed you to start from pits with tyres already up to optimum temperature, a clutch that would not overheat regardless of how you treated it, and a speed hack. That is why I banned you. What controller you use to drive with is irrelevant. You cheated, you got banned from the AMG servers.
What I was saying here is that you should have your account banned permanently from all servers for cheating.
You may well be able to drive sucessfully without cheats and probably much faster than me. But like so many pathetic and immature idiots you cheated, end of story, nobody has any respect for cheats and they do not deserve to play again.

Mr jackson, Since you quoted me in your answers and come to me ridiculing times, I challenged you since you are the good, a mano-a-mano race, you choose the track and car, because I do not need a hack to win even more to win If you think I'm not good, hit at least one hotlap I made, or enter this challenge in which you choose the car and the track, but I want the dev and the creator of the mods to come in and see that I'm clean and I also want you to respect me, because I have never used to win a race, but to amuse myself with something that you do not do, because it is known as arrogant, boring, slow, and the limad that banned players from doing better or better than you. Take up my challenge if you're a man.
S3 licensed
Quote from JackSun :Well I would have thought it was preferable to make it as much inconvenience as possible for the pathetic people who want to cheat. Nothing ruins a game more than having to play against cheats. If people were getting banned rather than just kicked for non cheat addons then that is a bit harsh but that's the risk you take for using an unsupported addon.
On the subject of cheats and lap times that are clearly impossible, would it not be possible to remove the times from the database? It's very annoying that times that were either done on a tweak server or by some cheat method are displayed.

For you any time is impossible because it is rubbish and does not accept that there are better players than you. You do not respect them for using a keyboard or whatever, you are the least likely to say anything.
S3 licensed
I was already banned for this reason for using crack in the game