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S2 licensed
bump!! this layout is greatttttttttttt

lots of fun, we def need this on alot of online servers
ill be looking online for them (^-^)
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Very nice 7th post in 6 years.

lol yeh i got this game long ago, got s1 license then sorta didnt play for the longest time. remembered about it now im hooked again (^-^)

8th post now
S2 licensed
Quote from BADLVBOY :thx guys. and yeah about that flame on hood, it really doesnt fit there. so here is updated version.

sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx e
S2 licensed
do you guys have before and after shots?? to really compare the difference between the two?

S2 licensed
great skin BADLVBOY, so awesome i like everything except the flame on the hood... idk jus me but excellent work (^-^)
S2 licensed
Heres a shot i took of it seeing what it looks like on the track, debating if i do need to shrink all the carbon.. oi.. will take some time

S2 licensed
hmm ill try to work on that, thanx for your input (^-^)
XRG: Nissan Silvia S14 *work in progress*
S2 licensed
Hello all this is my first skin

Ive done most of the work myself and i need someone who can help me make some bodykits using shadows on the side or front. Possible wide body look would look good. Enclosed the work done so far. Ive also modified the rear lights

- You will need to use adobe photoshop and add a new layer

Again if you can help with some shading body work reply or message.
S2 licensed
bump!!!! updates!!! ?