I was wondering if the "pro" players that play LFS use less degrees in rotation...
So for example, the FOX is about 450 degrees right ?
Do the fast guys use about 200 degrees on their wheel to make it easy to control the car ? Or do you use 450 as it is in the game, to match your wheel to the game ?
OK when i start a race with the CSM, at the end of the first straight i'm on, i break to 3rd gear, get the breaks squeeling, then my FPS goes to 3 and i get a blue screen of death...
MY friend and I pretty much always go on the redline server on BL/FOX...
We've not had the game long (less than a month) and i'm already hitting 1.09's, and i can say thanks to the top drivers in that server as they actually listen to your queries and help you out !!
I haven't had that kind of help anywhere else yet, another point is that wreckers or bad drivers are dealt with properly, thus the reason that everyone is polite, mainly, although i whine a lot about being bashed at turn 1