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S2 licensed
a small update:
I can play LFS now without being disconnected. Why? I could locate the Error: It has to be something with my computer. Playing LFS on my laptop just works fine (though i'm connected via wlan on my laptop). This leads to the conclusion that it isn't my connection but something on my computer. I'm sure i have no trojans, spyware or viruses on my machine so only reinstalling my OS would be a solution but since i'm not going to format and reinstall windows again until i'll upgrade my pc the only solution will be playing on my laptop (which isn't bad either, i only have to free space on my table to put it there when i want to play LFS - kinda complicated, but it's okay)
S2 licensed
i didn't solve it yet - i tried a lot of things and nothing worked.
seems like
a) i have to reinstall windows to give it a try
b) i have to change my provider (though it's one of the biggest here in germany)
I think i just wait some time and when i upgrade my pc i'll have to reinstall windows - and if it wont work then - i doesn't know what to do ;/
S2 licensed
well, i tested it.
I opened the cmd panel, pinged for about 1 hour and stopped it
=> 1 packet lost (0% packet loss)
I have no clue what it could be...damn ;/
S2 licensed
If tried to reboot the Router, checked if the firmware of my netgear wpn824 is the newest version: yup, it is.
I have absolutely no clue what it could be, but as more ppl are on a server, it seems like the period of time after which i get disconnected is much shorter than on a lower populated server (e.g.: If I drive with 4 other people, i can play between 5 and 10 minutes until i get disconnected - and if i play with 16 ppl (just like today) i get disconnected after 30secs to 4-5 minutes).
This problem occurs on every server i connect to, it seems that only on servers with no other ppl playing i don't get disconnected (and hell, that's no fun at all ^^).
S2 licensed
I'm connected via normal LAN cable with my router, only my laptop (which i don't use to play LFS) is connected via W-LAN. ;/
S2 licensed
i can connect - and i can play, but after a period of time i suddenly get disconnected without an error message, just:
"Lost Connection to the server" ;/
S2 licensed
It's perhaps helpful for the devs: My Dxdiag file:
S2 licensed
it's really frustrating...
well, it's me again: uninstalled LFS, installed it again, with and without U30. same problem...
I just played several hours with about...10-15 disconnects and when i'm disconnected, the other players just see: Lost Connection to Criamos.

The Last Disconnect was like this:
"Can't say bye - unknown"
...5 secs
"Lost Connection to the Server"

I have no clue what it could be...
last time i tracert, it was okay, but look now: (without any downloads/other users on the router!)

Quote :

Routenverfolgung zu [] ber maximal 30 Abschnitte:

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms []

2 * * * Zeitberschreitung der Anforderung.

3 44 ms 44 ms 44 ms

4 140 ms 140 ms 139 ms

5 140 ms 139 ms 140 ms []

6 140 ms 142 ms 141 ms []

7 140 ms 141 ms 144 ms []

8 145 ms 147 ms 148 ms []

9 144 ms 145 ms 145 ms []

10 215 ms 215 ms 216 ms []

11 217 ms 215 ms 215 ms []

12 216 ms 214 ms 215 ms []

13 * * * Zeitberschreitung der Anforderung.

14 * * * Zeitberschreitung der Anforderung.

15 * * * Zeitberschreitung der Anforderung.

16 * * * Zeitberschreitung der Anforderung.

17 * * * Zeitberschreitung der Anforderung.

18 * * * Zeitberschreitung der Anforderung.

19 * * * Zeitberschreitung der Anforderung.

20 * * * Zeitberschreitung der Anforderung.

21 * * * Zeitberschreitung der Anforderung.

S2 licensed
all other games are okay (i played world of warcraft for a long time now), Red Orchestra works also fine - and (even if i hate it) i tried CS:S and tested if i loose connection...nothing.
My pings are just as normal as everyday (about 50ms to and I've got a lot of servers in LFS which show me also about 50-70ms ping ranges.
Even when i'm on the server and i'm looking at those ping-meters in the left corner of the screen: my ping isn't really higher than the other pings. I really don't know the reason for that ;/

I checked the temp. of my router and dsl modem...none of them are hot (so i don't think it's caused by overheating).

edit2: I tried playing with my router and without...same problem: Disconnects en masse. ;/
Last edited by Criamos, .
S2 licensed
well, i got a response today:
They don't block any ports...well, looks like i have to look for another solution...any ideas? ;/
S2 licensed
Wlan is enabled (for my laptop) but it's secure - noone tried to hijack it and i'm using a 128bit WPA-PSK key, so it should be secure.
Also, i'm the only user here at home, so there should be no P2P activity while i'm playing.
I'm really helpless about this (it's not so, that i just opened a thread because i'm lazy - i searched for a solution the whole last day and today, but didn't find any so i decided to write an email to my ISP to ask if they're blocking that port and i'm waiting for their answer atm.)

Well, almost 7 hours response from my ISP...
this sucks 8[
Last edited by Criamos, .
Constantly Disconnecting from Server (without error message)
S2 licensed
Hi guys, Well, i bought the S2 license last saturday and since i try to take part in some races online after a certain period of time [between 30secs and 10 minutes] i get disconnected without showing up an error message (i already activated the network messages with shift + F8, but still got no error message). Only "Verbindung zum Server verloren" => english: "lost connection to the server". I'm connected with a netgear router (not wlan), I've forwarded the ports properly (63392, 29339 and tried to set "game port 5433", so i forwarded also 5433, but it didn't fix the problem). First I tried it with Version U20 (the normal download), then yesterday i updated to alpha U28, but it didn't solve the problem. Now i really don't know what else to do...i searched for a solution in the german forum @ and here, but none of the solutions for the other ppl worked. I tried to increase the sleep time to 5ms, didn't work. Tried to set "port 80 1", didn't fix the problem either. I'm not using a Firewall, only Windows XP SP2 (firewall deactivated), Netgear router configured properly and my ISP is 1&1. Any suggestions? I really don't know what to do now... ;/
Last edited by Criamos, .