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Master Server down???
S2 licensed
I cannot connect to master server to get the serverlist
yesterday it was fine, i changed nothing on my PC and LFS
but today it doesn't work..
Is a problem of mine or there is a tech problem on the server?

Thanks a lot
S2 licensed
dead link
OLD newbie question: POV & FOV
S2 licensed
Let me say for first that I am not a very fast driver
my best with FOX at as club is 1:02:50
messing around with view controls I have found that changing pov and fov
change a lot the sense of distances and speed and make handling more or less easy..
can someone suggest me a good compromise to set view offsets and FOV that could make a bit easier to hit right braking points?

S2 licensed
Not mean..
I'm sorry to hear that, it would have been great
New Tracks
S2 licensed
Well I read about people asking for official real-life tracks
meaning with that real life circuits..
ok to do that probably u have to pay royalties, and no one likes to PAY
so I thought, why the LFS programmers don't let community give a helping hand to them?
I mean, we have great skins homemade, old games as GPL has found new life thanks to fans all over the world..

I planned to build a 3D environment with 3DStudioMAx for a work for my university,a free theme 3D excercise and the location had to be ROME.
I choose to simulate a GranPrix track layout in Rome wit reallife texture etc. and I am starting to work on it.

Does anyone know if could be considered by programmers or simply a waste of time?
I mean, I am not looking for a working collaboration just would give my help to a really nice game.. so no money, only fun and satisfaction!
Which would be the right 3d format usefull for the Staff and easy to use for them? (3d Studio, Autocad...???)

ok may be I am crazy and thi thing is impossibleillepall
but any feedback from u all would be good!
S2 licensed
really love u man!
S2 licensed
ok things are getting better but not totally
now, I can edit my camera positions, ok for the fixe camera on the track but the chase camera has someething that not fit to my purpose..

the camera follow the selected car but, if the car turns, the camera mantain its position and loose the angle chosen shooting all the side and the back of the car in corners like hairpins,
is there a way to have a chase camera like it was "stick" to the car?
like camera car in F1, I mean that once u've chosen the relative position
the camera mantain it's distance and inclination relative to the car even if the car turns, rolls, jump, explode, warp and so on
Is possible to edit Camera positions?
S2 licensed
Hi is it possible to edit camera positions in lfs?
like having a free view camera or a free angle chasing camera?
or something..
or is it possible to have in at least in a replay using a replay program?
I am doing so movies but I need some special shooting positions..

please help!
S2 licensed

dough soooorrry read that topic but missed the most important thing

any, I close this here
the only thing Iwould say is that the ban was absolutely not from a REDLINE racer, it was started by a guy that from the last row pretended to exit first from the first corner, and..
u know it seems no one can resist to the tentation of press the key 1

sorry again for the wrong topic

c u on the tracks
Redline Server Ban
S2 licensed
well done men
I really hate this kinda stuff
too many buddies really quick to press 1
and, listen dudes, have fun,
got banned when I was always hit from behind never hit no one
if you have problems play UT2004 not LFS.
if u want so much to be the FIRST online
cause u cannot be even second in life..
well avoid to put the blame upon the other..
your song is the N° 16 in The Human Eqaution Album from Ayreon
listen it!

end of my opinions
S2 licensed
Hi From Rome,ITALY
I am a brand new driver: slow, clumsy, aged, but with a great will of improoving my skillz

see u on the track, and please...
be mercyfull I am a moving chicane about now