yeah page 23 in the sun yet when some p*** head footballer drinks himself to death it gets weeks of coverage was same with richard burns he was mentioned for couple of days . colin will always be the best in my eyes im sure little johnny would have followed in his steps too so sad
six! i'd of moved house good too see i'm not the only one that does'nt like them anyway think i need to go back to carpets they move far t fast on lamanite floors
OMG! just cleaned my pedals and 2 BIG SPIDERS fell out im not good with spiders scared too put feet under desk now lol maybe that explains why i've been finding it hard to stop
my fastest is 147 with 5 people in car i was'nt driving though it was old astra gte had lots of work done many years ago now though fastest ive driven is 120 in my astra van 1.7 tdi