So, havnt read a single thing since last time i dropped by, except the rly nice post from FPVaaron.
Scawen is nowhere to be seen?
No news or updates?
Why not admit they are on a looooong hiatus?
Im extremly sorry for the off topic but i just have to: THANK YOU!!! This is what we all wanna hear: SOMETHING! (no, but for real, just you explaining the little things is enough. You dont need to explain your personal life, just some words about lfs will sooth many.)
This settles me for a long time, thanks for caring!
EDIT: woops, wrong post quoted, but you know which one i mean.
Did i miss anything, or is it, as usual; Dead quiet and as soon as i say anything "negative" i get a beating from other forumites on "Oooh they are working hard, be happy, what have u ever done for lfs, get a life, u ar wurs den hitler!"?
No? And IF they descide to drop by and say hi, i bet my underwear that i and all us other "evil questionmakers" will get a sucker punch, and be blamed for the sour taste the devs might have from reading the "oh so bad negative feedback" - WICH RLY ISNT NEGATIVE!
Come on, all i want is a little "HI! WE ARE ALIVE" And thats ...might be it, then i stop nagging for atleast 1 month or so ...
Scawen, do i have to send u a letter or what?
Its simply the best sim out there. Incredible game that is just so real and so nice.
And i love the fact that its a game that can improve even tho the game is so good even at this level!
Ugh, Col, u twisted my words and layed a new law worse then a politician...
Im not saying anything bad, im not saying the devs owes us anything, im not... Theres nothing that is negative with some comunication!
And this just goes on and on...
Some are angry and talk a bunch of shit about the devs, some are trying to get their heads up the devs asses and devotes so much nonsense talk about our(the rats) infringement on the devs poor little privacy... Like we are pestering their life by asking small simple questions... I laugh at that idea. Especially after 3+ years...
Status so far:
Non involved people are saying hear-says about stuff they dont know.
Other people are cursing the smug devs.
Nothing of worth will come out of these kind of threads until scawen adresses the masses...
First off: It was a tip, not what i believe scawen is wanting out of this. And yes, i know money hasnt been... uhm, top priority so dont cast a shade of me not knowing anything
And idk how making money can be childish...
And look... Theres the thing, why isnt there any sort of answer to some questions? Are we pesty rats who are nagging and nagging?
How do one stop the nagging? BY ANSWERING! gonna stop there cause more ppl are gonna think im one of those r-tard kids whos nagging for new cars, new this, new that...
Idk if its the language barrier but is it THAT much/TO much to ask for some simple answers, status updates etc...
Im not saying they are lazy, im not saying they suck, im not saying they are doing other unimportant stuff, no nothing. Cause we simple dont rly know what is happening... (yes tyers yaddida...)
I guess u spoke in general and not against me. Cause if u spoke to me u havnt understand what i mean.
Its no the new content(even tho it would be nice after 3 years...), its not about getting something revolutionary, no, its about the lack of info.
Ure example about the flying chair is good. But its childish.
Atleast all IM asking about is just some info about whats happening. And if they dont want us, SAY THAT THEN.
"We prepare tyers ... status is now on this level bla bla and thats about that, no more questions, its a secret wink wink nudge nudge etc"
Why not this? Instead of people speculating falsly, ppl getting bored, ppl getting mad, ppl quitting etc etc.
Its just so ...unproffesional? Idk what word i want to use.
Tip: Make 5 new cars(hard idk, dont tell me its to hard to just swing something up. I have faith in the devs that they can do anything ) and charge ...1dollar for each car or something? That would booooost income in a hurry. And if u dont wanna make money, ure stupid!
Long time since i posted anything but here we go...
What im rly annoyed over is the pure lack of anything resembling an response to all the questions, all the devoted players, all the long time players, all the believers.
I dont get why scawen dosnt have an "blog"/monthly(yearly perhaps...) update page where he sets the record straight.
To me it looks like they have just given up everything. Sry if i missed anything but i cant search around for the head developer on a forum to find the news of the game i play and love the most.
"If you love it so much, why cant u be arsed to search for scawens latest little reply in an random thread?" - Well duh, are there any answers? How will new players know whats new?
Why is it so hard to produce a scirocoo that is already done to the players? New tyre mod? Really? Weak and strange reason.
Why is it so hard to have an good respons to all these annoying threads everyone hates but still reply in?
Why why why? Call me a crybaby but i rly love lfs and i dont understand why its so hard to give an reply.
I could pour out more, and i will cause i sense alot of defensive little soldiers will hate my input in this thread but so be it...
EDIT: Dont start with say they have their life, family, other intrests... thats fine and dandy but please for the love of everything thats holy: SAY THAT THEN!
(Im not badmouthing what brilliant game they have made, so dont start)
well... i forgot to watch the "movie" and looked at the other movie names at the side so.. but then i X after 1 min... its not worth to put out such an movie... i sucked ..sry but its true :P
Uhm... i know they dont have a hotline. i know they have other things to do...
Have i sad anything about the hole thing u said?
I know how great they are! when i hade trouble getting the game they helped me in every way! (but it still wouldent work for some reason)
its just that i want to play! after trying to buy it for over 2 moths...
now i've just bought the game... and me and my big brain didnt notice that i could chose demo, s1, s2. And im furious!
I just hope their big hart can forgive a dumb idoit like me and give me an unlock... (moore asskissin' cant u find anywhere)
yeah well.. im a real dumbass. when i was gonna play on the demo i lock the s2... I know! im an realsmartass
Do u think they would "give" me moore unlocks?
First time ever making my voice heard here....
And it says i have used alla my unlocks and i have to whait until next month...
Face the fact or can i unlock it some other way?
i've just bought the hole game after it didnt wanna take my mony on the credit card for looong time and now i have to deal whit this?