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Unlimited Hydroplane blueprints
Demo licensed
Hi! I want to now if someone got a blueprint on an Unlimited Hydroplane ( I've search at "" and "" but I doesn't find anything

I want a blueprint to make an Unlimited Hydroplane in 3D (using blender )

Demo licensed
Quote from Knight_Atack :Well, being Canadian from Quebec, I know we use "reprise" most of the time here. (or "reprise video"). "Enregistrement video" could work too I guess, but it's rather long. So, "reprise" or "reprise video" is my suggestion, unless Teh_France_French can't understand that .

Moi aussi, je suis du Québec!!! Et j'ai suggeré la même chose que toi "reprise" et c'est vrai que c'est une bonne traduction au lieu de "Ralentis"!
Demo licensed
Ok, but I still do not understand what is the Browse for speed... :S
Demo licensed
I listen some old school Prodigy and Infected Mushroom.

I listen also some punk like Pistol Grip or Bald Vulture.
Demo licensed
Quote from avenger1 :my ugly picture

I correct you picture with photoshop

Hope you like it!!

Now it looks better
Demo licensed
Ça pourrai être "Reprise" ou quelque chose dans le genre.

It could be "Reprise" or something like that.
Demo licensed
I don't understand very well... Sorry... But my native language is French. So to translate a text from english to french, I can be your man! (Sorry for my english )
Demo licensed
You speak french? Cool! Me, I'm from Québec (French province of Canada). So I speak french too! lol.

I know, this is nowhere...
Demo licensed
Quote from GianniC :Yes working on my French, learning Grammar now cause I thought that would be easier illepall There doesn't seem to be an ending at the exceptions, there's a rule, there are 5 exceptions, 2 of the 5 follow anther rule, but on that rule you have another rule like 'only used then and then', but even for that, there seems to be another rule and then again you've an exception and...... ARG

How on earth do those French understand there own language ??

Btw, noticed this buffer problem by trying to watch a movie about French grammar.

I live in Québec (Canada) and my primary language is French... To anwser to your question, french is our own language, like you said. So, you speak english, and you understand your own language!!

It's the same for all the language!!!! And I agree that our language is very hard to learn. French have a lot of useless rules....