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S2 licensed
Quote from Zipppy :actually, it's not a skin, it is a preview of a skinpack, I've had this too, either rename (so it does not have FXR or any car name followed by an underscore) or move the file out of the folder (as well as deleting the file) will get rid of the message.

When something like this happens to an actual skin, shorten the name (AFAIK it's 26 characters max including car name abbreviation)

Zippy is quite correct, the file LFS cannot load is the preview to the LFSEA 2008 SuperCar Skin Pack and was dumped in the skins folder when you extracted the skin pack to it.

LFSEA SuperCar Skin Pack (the last ever unfortunately) is available from:HERE
S2 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :I'm busy getting ready to move back to Australia.

Your coming back mate??? Now Australia really is "The Lucky Country"

S2 licensed
Weird, Woz! Flinty and a few Aussie racers were debating just this the other day. I notice CTRA can check the set your running is the correct restrictor setting and bounce you back to pits if its not, which is cool.

Oh and to all the "this is gay" crowd, until LFS has 100's of track and 1000's of cars to select from, its up to us (us being league organisers and the like) to mix it up a bit to stop it all going stale for all the racers.

The fixed set actually works really well when the set used is a very neutral one that favours the slower guy. You will often find the aliens pushing too hard and spearing off into the bushes simply because they can only drive certain kinds of sets, and have trouble driving the car to suit the setup.

Anyway, as my good friend Flinty says +1 to this idea.
S2 licensed
Quote from Racervieh14 :I have already made a little preview pic. But thx anyway

Nice job Racervieh....thanks mate
S2 licensed
Quote from Racervieh14 :What he means is the BMW Sauber of the actual season. The original in LFS is from the last year. But at the moment I'm working on a 07 skin.
Look here:

Thanks mate.......
S2 licensed
I have searched for an hour now and I dont seem to be able to find the 2007 BMW Sauber skin for the BF1..... am I missing something?

Only need that and the currently WIP Honda skin and I have me a F1 skin Pack!
S2 licensed
There is one obvious name you guys have overlooked..

Setup Analyser Pro..or SAP


S2 licensed
I just wanted to give you some feedback Woz.

I was at a loss to find a set for FXR @ Aston Cadet for an upcoming league race...... in desperation (no offence) I d/l'ed your base sets and after maybe 5 laps I had a set that was stable, quick enough for me over a race distance and seems to look after tyres. (AS1 is a killer on FXR's front right)

Now granted I did some fiddling to get it to this point, but unless I am way off here, isn't that the idea of your base sets?

I found the base set gave me an excellent point of reference to start making changes from, and I am also confident if I started with this set at say BL or SO then it wouldn't take long to get a similar result, and that is a good thing in my book.

Keep up the good work mate
S2 licensed
Just reading over the old post I linked too it also appears keeping your version of DirectX current helps........ now I really must go and do some work
S2 licensed
Quote from rocky32 :cheers Sapient. i'm always keen for some fast close racing

unfortunately i'm not that technically minded, so i'm unsure which port lfs is using.

i find that other popular car racing games don't suffer from this lag.

Rocky we have just recently had one of our racers who had similar problems and managed to solve them I believe.
You can read all about it here:

From memory Defrag HDD and cleaning up your registry will certainly help!
S2 licensed
**WARNING** Blatant plug follows is an Aussie/NZ based league you might want to try.... we run full servers (23 slots currently) every monday night with very very few lag issues.

If your quick you might sign up in time for our new series to be announced soon!

As for rF, I have played this extensively online also, connection to US servers mainly, and found lag to be just as big an issue as playing on UK or US LFS servers.......a good test is the STCC Bronze servers which are usually pretty full. Lag will be evident but doesn't render the game unplayable by any stretch of the imagination.

I might suggest your ISP is doing something screwy with particular ports that LFS uses?
S2 licensed
Hello Matt..looks like both of us are trying to learn Blender....... lol
Great tutorial by the way Bogey Jammer
S2 licensed
Seriously good little app. Well done champions
Proof simple is better.
S2 licensed
Quote from nikimere :i dont think you get the point. people are looking for ballast that can be used in leagues. if you have 10 races in the league you cant chose which races u "want" to win.
its not suitable for daily online races but it would work well in leagues imo.

My point is simple, ballast is a rather complicated means of evening up the field. From the limited league racing I have done, different classes seem to do an adequate job of it.
Besides, do we really need to artificially adjust the racing?
in fact
S2 licensed
Most series use ballast in one way or another, even if its not regulated by the series officials. One of the reasons race team work to lower the car weight is so they can get the car under the minimum weight allowance for the category they race in, and then add ballast wherever they need it to better balance the car.

F1 has been doing this for years, and use incredibly heavy (read expensive) metals so they can locate the ballast with absolute precision.

Regardless, for what its worth, I dont think it has a place in LFS. Adding "success ballast" to guys who win alot just makes them more strategic in which races they want to win and which they dont. I dont beleive it lets others win, cause as they say, the cream always rises to the top.
S2 licensed
I am going to have to agree with hinirags here.

Although I treat with distain anyone who calls NFSU a racing simulator show me one single real life racing car that doesnt allow for ANY engine tuning. In fact show me one single race team anywhere that doesnt have an "engine guy".

And for all those complaints about engine tuning is too difficult and hard and i dont much about suspension geometry did you know before LFS?

In fact, noobs just ask for a set and get it, so its fair to assume there are still plenty of racers who still dont understand.

The greatest advantage in engine tuning (if brought into the game correctly) it is will actual create differences! Racer A goes for a torquey setup to get drive out of the corner on his particularly soft setup, racer B on the other hand sacrifices low down torque for up top power so he can blitz racer A down the straight, but once we arrive at a corner again, the advantage is back to racer A.

In reality this is how a car is tuned to a driver, a combination of suspension and engine management.

Having said all that, I tend to agree its not something we need in S2 Final, there is a heap more to do yet, and so far the racing is great anyway.

Maybe S3, or 4, or 5 and beyond?
S2 licensed
Snaps to Ball Bearing for generating such an informative thread, and to all those replies.

I can throw away the rest of the internet now and learn everything I need to know right here
I guess we need to keep in mind that LFS is a work in any deficiencies, whether real or percieved, could simply be a result of unfinished or un-tweaked modelling.
And besides, the RAC is the offspring of Satan, I would rather drive a UF1000 in a 6 hr enduro than spend 10 min in a RAC
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :As far as I know, most major race series don't allow ABS. I think it is allowed in basic production car classes if the car has it as standard. Of course, I could be wrong, and I'm sure if I am someone will take pleasure in telling me which series of any note DO allow ABS.

Someone had to do it

Porsche SuperCup both here in Oz and Internationally run ABS.
Secondly I would have to disagree about the amount of feel you get from a brake pedal, by regulating the amount of pressure applied and therefore the amount of pressure on the pedal you can almost feel a brake lockup impending, and secondly, as someone else mentioned, brake performance tends to degrade over time or with over zealous use.....particularly, in say endurance races, when you push hard early. The pedal actually needs to be pushed further to get the same braking result.

For me, one of the hardest issues driving a simulator as opposed to a real race car was pedal feel, in fact most times I wear only socks so I have a better idea of what position the pedal is in. I guess I could pull out the old race boots to add that sense of realism if I wanted