no, not so fast......i have a pc setup in the bedroom just to host a s2 ded....i control the pc do i load a layout on a dedicated server?
can i get someone to check the master server for my dedi? host name is "no bitching."
also, i cant enter more than one track in the setup.cfg without a "parameter 6" error....any way i can get the server to cycle through a group of tracks instead of having to change them manually? thanks
i could have the shittiest times on the internet and still have a better attitude than your "holier than thou, shit for brains "team"......check this out....YOU REALLY DONT RACE IN REAL LIFE. YOU RACE ON THE INTERNET, JUST LIKE THE REST OF US. You dont do this shit for real. Somehow, you fools seem to act like you do. This isnt your Job, your source of income. its a ****ing HOBBY. ACT LIKE IT. Your whole "squad" needs a ****ing attitude check. Its a good thing you have your own servers to act like little bitches on, cause that shit isnt appreciated everywhere. Dont worry about me on your servers, I dont act like this "GAME" is life or death, I dont act like this "GAME" is my job, and I dont have a bunch of other insecure "teammates" needing to have a crowd to hang on to....oh and check this out! i dont have a insecurity that makes me go dig up laptimes everytime someone calls me out on being a bitch. what do my lap times have to do with your teammates acting like 12 year old girls on the internet? yeah, i dunno either. WHAT I DO KNOW IS, IF MY TIRES ARE COLD, IM NOT GOING TO GO 3 WIDE INTO T1 ON L1 AT AS NATIONAL AND WRECK HALF THE FIELD THEN BAN THE GUY I PUNTED INTO EVERYONE ELSE BECAUSE I CANT POSSIBLY AFFORD TO LOOK LIKE A SHIT FOR BRAINS IN FRONT OF MY GIRLFRIENDS *COUGH* TEAMMATES. SO I COULD GO TO CD1 AND "GET A FEW LADS TO HELP ME OUT ON MY LAP TIMES" LIKE THAT WILL CURE YOUR DUMBSHIT TEAMATES MAKING DUMB**** DUMBSHIT MOVES AND THEN THROWING THE BANHAMMER SO THEY DONT LOOK LIKE THE POS DRIVERS THEY ARE? WHAT ARE YOU, BLONDE? POLISH? BOTH? yeah, look through my lap times some more and see if you can find a suitable comeback in there.....wait, dont bother, i really hate wasting my time on shit for brain europeans and i really dont even care about whatever dumb**** comeback/excuse you have ....replays speak volumes. So..... if you guys really wanna act like youre the "best drivers on the internet"......(lol), try to get at least ONE driver into the STCC. then you losers can thumb your pocket protecters up at everyone.....but until lap times, shitty as they are, are MILES better than your "team"'s dont like it when you get a taste of your own medicine, huh? Grow the **** wont see me back here until you do......and when you losers find a server thats NOT your own that YOU ARE WELCOME know, where drivers dont ****ing whine and complain all the god damn'll then know what the **** im talking about.
P.S. Yes, you ARE a fake assed internet "driving" team. Accept it, and deal with it accordingly. Oh and Birder, when you say really dumb bitch "tart" shit like i quoted you in #156, well youre gonna get called. Act like you have a cock, and that wont happen. :-). Feel that breeze in your skirt?
and you guys wonder people think that anyone associated with CD acts like a bunch of catty high school CD fools have your head so far up your own asses that you get emotional whenever you get beat on your own server by anyone who isnt down with your fake ass internet driving team. yawn. really, grow the **** up and dont come off with catty responses like "By the way my name is "colin" and i am "@" a website called "" if that reminds you of anything.".....unless you guys really are going for the "i drive in a skirt" vibe.
i know this is a double post and what looks like about to be a threadjack but have any ideas been floated around about the option to change your rims in s3? ive seen certain threads like "man, why cant i put 28"s on my car?! this is teh suck...." nah im not playing that route, but ive seen at least a couple of sets of rims that would look awesome in s3.........just an idea...
now if i install that in my lfs folder, will other people hear it? (yeah i know that sounds like the "if a tree falls in the woods.." but im curious nontheless)
i want to see monster trucks. and...i wanna see rabbits getting smashed to bits when they're dumb enough to cross the road during a race....also i wanna see jay leno as the grand marshall for all races.....