Alright i just downloaded S2 after 4 months and this time i cant use the ESC for anything. i have to use Shift + P for pits and Shift + J for join and to get out of the game i have to either get kicked out (usually never works) or shut off the computer...
I downloaded it from filefront if that helps at all.
well i can play s2 thats working fine but
i dont have a folder where i can put my skins
and sets i have to play straight from my
desktop. i tried putting lfs in the
LFS_S2_ALPHA_U and it comes up as
So i just got my s2 license today and im getting it set up and when i go to unlock s2 all it does is 'Connecting to master server' my user name, password and internet is all right. i have probably left it up for 30mins and thats all it does.