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S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Wow, 105 000 views in my thread.

As soon as I'll sort my master server connection problems I will work on new setups as I lost everything I had of LFS on my computer.

off topic but long time no see. if you remember me good times or bad :P we should drift sometime man.
S2 licensed
Quote from alig92 :Ok, advice taken, I shall now be making skins for the XRG.

But I havn't got the xrg_default anywhere :\, could some one post up a link here for a default xrg skin base please??

you could get it from the website as additional download? or someone will be kind enough to upload one here quickly, i dont have it either at the moment i m re-downloading lfs.
S2 licensed
Quote from FunteX :

By the way i have finaly decided to start working for a 2.0 version of this release,
further news on that behalf wil be posted here . . .

Do it.
S2 licensed
can someone make some really good new XRT textures for patch Z ?
because i putmy old ones on and its all gone whickidy whack.
S2 licensed
thank you very much dude! so it takes a while perhaps worth it as it looks awesome!
S2 licensed
Quote from moskvich3v1 :Trening Day-Autocross layout

how do you make .gifs like that? i would love to know how
S2 licensed
Here are a few screenies from a dF session there are loads more but ill post only a few. Also because i havnt gone throug hall the footage for pictures yet. Enjoy!

Last edited by dizzlez, .
S2 licensed
thats pretty facking rad
S2 licensed
Quote from FCS13 :Here you have a preview of the Official 2008 KENGEN TUNING skins, every member have a different colour scheme, this time, mine's

Hope you like it !

hot! =]
S2 licensed
Quote from -DrftMstr- :JDM*F planning to meet up at NYC in June. Someone already got there

initial XRT screenshot by hellboy i.e. Bird.

That is amazing!

awesome work!

And have fun in NYC =]
S2 licensed
Quote from niall09 :

LMFAO!!!!! *save as*
S2 licensed
Quote from FCS13 :Theres one , i didnt took it, WackoZacco did it


awesome seats
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :

They did show us some stuff, but some idiot managed to steal their bodykit and make a LFS-Drift skin with it so that's probably a reason they don't show us anything anymore... hint hint.

wow what prick did that. -sigh-
S2 licensed
mmmmmmmmmmm, fail =]

te others skins are cool (Y) i wish charlie or -drft-mstr made some more stuff and showed us.
S2 licensed
Fusion Racing << it sounds fmiliar.. is it a team?? sorry if it is.

Surge Racing

i cant think of much right now, ^_^'

EDIT: clutch kickers motorsport is a cool name, sorry for my post
S2 licensed
Quote from Tibble :Hey, i never said i was finished. I gotta find just the perfect design to compliment the BMW essence, and there are no graphics on the car i based it on

hehe, this is the finnished skins section
S2 licensed
loving the skins and the angles.
S2 licensed
I have some idea on what to do, you have all been amazing help and hopefully others with the same problem as me can find a way around their problem also.

Thankyou so much everyone!

Quote from DeKo :02dmurray, password was loved89. dont ask.

anyway write down this IP address, ( and type it into the address bar at school. might work.

i will give it a shot
S2 licensed
what do i do with the

ive done everyhthing it sais on the readme, still no sign of cool metre :\

edit: dont worry, fixed it, my cfg fodler edit wasnt saving properly, so it was going back to default, i fixed it now and i love the metre
Last edited by dizzlez, .
S2 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :So that's how you spend your breaktimes at school, on LFS Forum. Well trying to spend it on the forums by the sounds of it.

Go outside and enjoy the (not so) great British weather.

Yeah i do, i skate around school play good old buldog, anything that appeals to us, i dont go to library at break times.. :P unless i forgot to do homework.

I finnish I.C.T work or work in lessons computer room quikly anyway, so it would be nice to check up on posts from my school and to look up lfs forum in my spare time to waste. :P
Quote from Jakg :Setup your own proxy?

ATM at School I use the teacher proxy (the proxy settings that teachers use - most things unblocked) and then for the odd thing that doesn't work I use a proxy setup by some cunning lads from the School down the road (which i wont link to as i don't want it to go!)

My school has a teacher proxy, im not sure how to get on it, i think its password opperated and as cool as soem teachers are they wont let us have it lol.

We had some guy make a proxyl ast year, it was

whenever to teachers blocked the proxy he simply changed the site name and so we could rome free, and then hthe school took away our internet :| so we couldnt do anything, so we have limited choice.

The boy who created WebMinus has left now, last year he was year 11 now im college.

Quote from Tweaker :Why setup all the stupid proxies?

Just remote into your computer at school with mstsc or other service, and violla, you're on your own PC, and can have all the fun you want

Your home IP is surely not blocked. If the school computer is super-restricted with 'safe' software, it is still possible to get a remote connection by other means.

Im not sure what you mean , or how i do that.

We login to our school seperate logins.

username : 04recordjos

as we came to school year 7 in 2004 we have 04 at the beginning, last name full, first 3 leters of your name second.
Last edited by dizzlez, .
S2 licensed
I will try use a link of a genuine thread on here perhaps?

i will try tomorrow.
Thankyou for all your help so far and more idea's are more than welcome!
Cant get on LfsForum at school
S2 licensed
Hi there

at my secondary school they have filtered almost everything, u type in v-tec or live for speed or somthing it may come up with that its on the porno filter list, or the school filter list, the school has filtered Lfs Forum, poxy's do not work, no proxys

Is there any way around this?

changing the domain name by going to and doing that would the html on the real site or somthing still block it,

any idea's? .. anything is worth a try, within reason.
S2 licensed
Some nice work!!! really love those eddits!
S2 licensed
Quote from David (RC) :This was from a sesion, yesterday, in Falken's drift server, About 30 people geting out of pit

hey look its me infront of the lx :P:P white and pink XRT ^^ nice shots man, really love em :P


can i get those lights>> ??
S2 licensed
And as all the "cool" people say on the internet..

Yhoo just got pwned!