damn, in my worst nightmares ive not expected so many experienced drivers. All of my pool was faster than me :P. And... i like that. My wrists are off for next week . I hope, my driving was clean. Congratulations to Biohazard for new, unofficial WR.
Fusion skins sucks
pinknight was great idea to race with old fastest drivers from demo (i dont know exactly why i can join). Was very fast and clear, just 2 accidents, times arround 1:23. d9, i hope for next event and definitely i will be better :P
The video is great summary of pinknight, nice moments and as always good camera move. Im glad i can see myself with best XRT drivers in one movie, thanks for race and video.
Race Name: DFH| LONT
Car Number: #13
Team: Drivers from Hell
Country: Poland
Age: 18
Rules: Yes, i have read and understood THE RULES for LFSCAR Season 2 and will race according to these rules
Its a pity that it finish on first configuration... We could continue or change a server. I have practiced for mounth and we raced combo well-known for me and ive driven ~5000 laps in that... I hope its OK i have that voucher and anyone is angry with me.
Q and R:
Like in plan, first from start to the finish - no suprises
THanks to all for the voucher code and i hope i will meet at S2 in soon...
finally I downloaded it... please, dont host it on rapidshare
Race was very exciting and clean... All consistent with CRC rules, great job Jens - win with Ches
heh, that was race not hot lap, Lap time doesnt matter...
And Chesnos isnt on pause, not long time ago he did 1:23:07 on some server
ufff, this configurations is rubbish... but who told will be easy . I used 100% of my skills to do that. Can I change the replay? My aim is be in top25 (<1:34.97) on lfsw, so Im gonna try to beat that time...
LFS username: LONT
Country: Poland
Real name: Marcin Lontkowski
wow, this is the best ever reward... Good motivation to start in this event. I joined here yesterday and I have no idea why i did it - its wonder . Configurations are OK but XFG can be hard for me. Of course Im in... I have to send right HL and I will register here...