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Ramon F.
S2 licensed
Thanks for the reports, I will check those issues on the weekend :magnify:
Ramon F.
S2 licensed
I've cheked the INSIM documentation and couldn't find those flags other than RaceStartResponse packet
Ramon F.
S2 licensed
It's a bug, I'm sure Brilwing will fix it in the next version, but meanwhile you could try this:

Edit: Fixed, thanks Brilwing.
Last edited by Ramon F., .
Ramon F.
S2 licensed
Err... my bad :duck:

getTurbo() works, but getWaterTemperatur(), getOilPressure() doesn't
Ramon F.
S2 licensed
Thanks Brilwing, PM sent.
Ramon F.
S2 licensed
Hi java friends

In OutGaugeResponse packet when i call getWaterTemperatur(), getOilPressure(), getTurbo() I always get a return of 0.0, other methods works perfect (fuel, brake, throttle, displays, etc.) ; could anyone confirm this please?

Also I think I found an error in Client class close() method:


public void close() throws IOException {
if (channel != null && channel.isConnected()) {
send(new TinyRequest(Tiny.CLOSE));
if (outChannel != null) {

If Tiny.CLOSE is send before disableOutGauge() or disableOutSim() then this last two instructions are lost and the host keeps sending data, so I think it should be:

public void close() throws IOException {
if (channel != null && channel.isConnected()) {
if (outChannel != null) {
send(new TinyRequest(Tiny.CLOSE));

Ramon F.
S2 licensed
Great app!! but... it would be nice to have a textbox for admin password in the options dialog

edit: I'm getting 98% CPU usage, tried outgauge interval 1 to 50 and no change
Last edited by Ramon F., .
Ramon F.
S2 licensed
Check your flags parameter in SimpleClient().connect() method.

Channel channel = new TCPChannel("", 29999);
SimpleClient client = new SimpleClient();

(short) (InitRequest.[I]RECEIVE_NODE_LAP | [/I][COLOR=Red]InitRequest.[I]LOCAL[/I][/COLOR]),
0, 0, '!');

Quote :
// The ISF_LOCAL flag is important if your program creates buttons.
// It should be set if your program is not a host control system.
// If set, then buttons are created in the local button area, so
// avoiding conflict with the host buttons and allowing the user
// to switch them with SHIFT+B rather than SHIFT+I.

Ramon F.
S2 licensed
Uhhh... bad news , thanks Brilwing.
Ramon F.
S2 licensed
Hi, I'm trying to get this information from NewConnectionResponse and ConnectionLeaveResponse but I can't figure it out:

struct IS_NCN // New ConN
byte Size; // 56
byte Type; // ISP_NCN
byte ReqI; // 0 unless this is a reply to a TINY_NCN request
byte UCID; // new connection's unique id (0 = host)

char UName[24]; // username
char PName[24]; // nickname

byte Admin; // 1 if admin
byte Total; // number of connections including host
[COLOR=Red]byte Flags; // bit 2 : remote[/COLOR]
byte Sp3;

struct IS_CNL // ConN Leave
byte Size; // 8
byte Type; // ISP_CNL
byte ReqI; // 0
byte UCID; // unique id of the connection which left

[COLOR=Red]byte Reason; // leave reason (see below)[/COLOR]
byte Total; // number of connections including host
byte Sp2;
byte Sp3;

Please help
Ramon F.
S2 licensed
Hi, I think you must add the .dll to your project references.
  • Close Visual Studio.
  • Download the .NET MySQL connector from here (Windows Binaries).
  • Install it.
  • Open VS and your solution/project.
  • In the Solution Explorer right click References and click Add Reference.
  • In .NET tab select MySQL.Data.
  • Solution Explorer, expand References, select MySQL.Data and change the property Copy To Local to TRUE.
  • Then you need to add "using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;" in the class file where you are using MySQL objets.
Good luck :insane:
Ramon F.
S2 licensed
That's it DarkTimes!!! thanks a million, I was fighting with delegates two weeks ago and wrote some Invokes, not too well I must say :doh:, I think it's time to read more tutorials :Kick_Can_
Last edited by Ramon F., .
Ramon F.
S2 licensed
Thanks T-RonX, great news , I'll wait for the new version.

@ mcgas001, thx for your help, the problem is not the Players list update but some extra code that I wrote, it's running 3 times instead of 1 because I'm getting 3 TOCs , I'm still wondering what could be wrong

Happy new year!
TOC bug?
Ramon F.
S2 licensed
Hi, I'm using LFS External with VB.NET, LFS Z, all was working fine until I had to write some code in TOC_PlayerCarTakeOver subrutine, when someone take over a car in LFS the event is triggered 3 times with the same data, I'm not sure if this is a problem with Insim or LFS External.


Dim testTOC As Integer = 0

Private Sub TOC_PlayerCarTakeOver(ByVal TOC As Packets.IS_TOC)
Players(GetPlyIdx(TOC.OldUCID)).UniqueID = TOC.NewUCID ' Update Players[] list
Players(GetPlyIdx(TOC.OldUCID)).PlayerID = TOC.PLID ' Update Players[] list

testTOC += 1
InSim.Send_MST_Message("TOC#: " & testTOC.ToString & " NewUCID: " & TOC.NewUCID.ToString & " OldUCID: " & TOC.OldUCID.ToString & " PLID: " & TOC.PLID.ToString)
End Sub

LFS Message:

Host: TOC#: 1 NewUCID: 5 OldUCID: 0 PLID: 1
Host: TOC#: 2 NewUCID: 5 OldUCID: 0 PLID: 1
Host: TOC#: 3 NewUCID: 5 OldUCID: 0 PLID: 1

Could anyone confirm please if this is the way it should work or if there is a problem with LFS External or Insim?

Thank you and sorry for my english.
Ramon F.
S2 licensed

I'm getting artifacts too, it only happens in LFS not other games.

Also, when I press Alt-Tab and then switch back to LFS I'm loosing AntiAliasing and no matter what settings I use I can't get it back, only restarting LFS works.

Ati Radeon X1600
Catalyst 8.5