Hello! I have problem with pm command if licence who im writing pm is like this: user name not username. I mean Two words pm say to me user was not found...
its the command
clsConnection Conn = Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)];
bool PMUserFound = false;
foreach (clsConnection C in Connections)
string Message = Msg.Remove(0, C.Username.Length + 5);
if (C.Username == StrMsg[1] && StrMsg[1].Length > 1)
PMUserFound = true;
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^4|^3 Message Sent To: ^7" + C.NoColPlyName + " (" + C.Username + ")", MSO.UCID, 0);
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^4|^3 Msg: ^7" + Message, MSO.UCID, 0);
PMBox("> PM Msg From: " + Conn.NoColPlyName + " (" + Conn.Username + ") to " + C.NoColPlyName + " (" + C.Username + ")");
PMBox("> Msg: " + Message);
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^4|^3 PM From: ^7" + Conn.NoColPlyName + " (" + Conn.Username + ")", C.UniqueID, 0);
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^4|^3 Msg: ^7" + Message, C.UniqueID, 0);
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^4|^3 To reply use ^2!pm " + Conn.Username + " <message>", C.UniqueID, 0);
foreach (clsConnection F in Connections)
if ((F.IsAdmin == 1 && F.IsSuperAdmin == 1) && F.UniqueID != MSO.UCID)
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^4|^3 PM From: ^7" + Conn.NoColPlyName + " to " + C.NoColPlyName, F.UniqueID, 0);
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^4|^3 Msg: ^7" + Message, F.UniqueID, 0);
if (PMUserFound == false)
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^4|^7 Username not found.", MSO.UCID, 0);