Who in tha hell wants a electric "car" in real life?
I mean there are just bad things with it.
1. No Petrol
2. No real engine sound
3. Its doesent smell anything. Gasoline smells good
4. A real car must have 5 cylinders or more.
5. How in tha hell can you do a real burnout with an Electric "car"?
6. Can you do long jurneys with it? I donk think so!!
ect ect...
But in a car game it could be great.
I will never buy an elecric "car". Its just craxy Americans who will drive those "cars".
Thats my opinion.
hinirags: You have probably done a great work with Tweak, I mayby try it when i bought an S2 licence.
Over and Out
PS. Sorry for my bad english