I bought LFS specifically for the Oculus Rift integration, and was able to run it once in demo mode (very cool, by the way!). I immediately purchased a license, but now I'm having several problems:
(1) As soon as I purchased unlocked with my license, I am no longer able to use the RIFT. If I select '3D' in the view options and click the field to select the Oculsu Rift, the menu pops up for about 1 millisecond and immediately disappears. This happens for both the E8 and E9 patch.
(2) I thought a reinstall might fix the problem, since the menu glitch did not happen before the unlock, but it's still there. Even worse, I can't use my license any more! If I enter my username and password it just says 'unknown version'. Do I have to buy a new license even if the original was only used for 5 minutes?
(3) There is now a loud, continuous beeping both in game and in the menu when I select "single player". It makes it impossible to use any sound at all, just have to turn the headphones off. Is this because my license won't work anymore?